Chapter 34: All For One and One For All

Start from the beginning

"I've seen rumors of this online," I said, "But its all just made up right? Its not mentioned in our textbooks."

"Because its the type of history people erase and forget about. Anyway, when a person gets incredible power, they enjoy showing it off. "

"How does this all tie together?" I asked, "And why is Y/n here?"

"I said that All For One could give quirks to others, remember?" He said, "He made people trust him, submit to him by altering their natural abilities. But apparently, there were many people who couldn't handle it. They turned into nothing more than mindless dolls, incapable of speaking. Just like the Nomus."

"Meanwhile, some quirks actually evolved as they got passed on, some even combined with other quirks. This man had a younger brother. He was small and sickly, but had a strong sense of justice. They couldn't have been more different."

I saw Y/n eyes close tighter, and his left hand grabbed his bandaged arm, tight enough to draw blood. It looked as if he was... scared? No, he was terrified by something.

"It pained the brother to see All For One's evil deeds," All Might continued, "So he kept resisting. The, All For One transferred a quirk to his brother, one that would allow him to stockpile power. We don't know if it was a gift, or a way to make him submit."

"Don't tell me..."

"Yes," All Might said, "Even though everyone thought he was quirkless, he did have a quirk, although even he didn't know it. He had a useless power, that allowed him to pass on quirks.And so, the stockpiling ability merged with his quirk, and that, is how One for All came to be."

I stared at All Might in shock, surprised by what I heard.

"I always found it ironic, that justice spawns from evil."

"Wait, hold on!" I said, "I understand how One For All came to be now, but this bad guy has to be long dead now. And I still don't understand why Y/n is a part of this."

"One who steals quirks has no limits," He explained, "Anything is possible. There are several quirks that halt the aging process, he probably has a few of those. As for why Y/n is here, I'll let him explain."

Y/n opened his eyes, and let go of his arm, finally noticing there was blood leaking. He took out his bandage roll and re-rolled his arm a few more times, wiping blood on his suit. I got a loo at his eyes, and they looked as if they were the eyes of a tired old man, not a boy, and definitely not the Y/n I knew.

He sighed deeply, "Well Izuku, that's not the whole story."

"What?" I asked, "What's missing?"

"There was a third brother, the youngest, even smaller and sicklier than One For All, he was confined to a wheelchair his whole life. This brother's name was," He looked me right in the eye, "Joey Drew."

My eyes went wide in shock, Y/n's dad was the brother of the worst villain of all time.

"Anyway," He continued, "My father, like One For All, saw that what his older brother was wrong, but he loved both his brothers deeply. He realized what he had to do, and did it. After One For All got his powers, he stole a bit of All For One's power, just a little. Enough to copy and keep quirks indefinitely, but not enough to steal them, or to transfer them."

He sat down in a chair, and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "My dad hid from his brothers, going anywhere he could before settling down in Mustafu. He went to U.A. to learn to protect himself, and that's when he met my mother, Aizawa, Endeavor, and All Might. Eventually, he and my mom had me, and he kept me hidden from his brothers."

"After All For one was defeated, my dad opened the studio with some of his old friends. He thought it would be safe. He was wrong. All For One is back, and he's chosen someone to come and get me, even giving that person a part of my quirk, somehow." He said, "That man created Alice."

"But why-"

"I wasn't finished yet," He interrupted, "Now that Alice has come after me, Dad chose to pass on his power, to some one who could continue his fight."

"Wait, then who'd he chose?" I asked.

Y/n's hand began to glow with a blue light, "Me. He gave me the power he had. While only a small piece of All For One, I can feel the power it has."

"Okay, I can see why Y/n is here now," I said, "But still, All For one can't really be back, can he?"

All might spoke up, "The symbol of evil seemed pretty much immortal. Due to the state of the world at the time and the huge difference in combat abilities, the younger brother decided to entrust this new quirk to future generations. Even though he could never defeat All For one, he hoped One For All would continue to gain more power, until it was strong enough to stop his older brother."

"My dad had a similar hope," Y/n said, "He wanted to copy as many quirks as possible, and use them to defeat All For One."

"Eventually it was my turn," All Might continued, "And I managed to defeat All For One, with help from Joey. At least, that's what we thought at the time. But he survived, and he is now back in action as the brain behind the league of villains, and the mastermind who gave Alice's creator his power."

He got up and walked to the window, "So now you know, the entire purpose of One For All is to finally defeat All For One. As it's holder, you will have to fight him one day. Because I failed."

"Don't worry," Y/n said, "You won't be alone. I was entrusted with this power, and I won't fail my dad."

"I know you didn't expect this," All Might said, looking out the window, "But-"

"I'll do my best!" I cut him off, "I'll do whatever you ask, no matter what it might be or what it will take. As long as your both with me, I can do anything. I know you'll have my back."

All Might was silent, but Y/n flashed me a thumbs up, and said, "All the way. You and I are in this for the long haul."

All Might seemed distraught, as if something was hurting him. He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped and said something else instead.

"Thank you."

After that, Y/n and I left the office, as All Might watched from behind.

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