Chapter Twenty Three

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"Fuck! What? Shit! Tae what are you doing here? How long have you been there?" Jimin scrambled to pull the blade from his arm, throwing it on the bedside cabinet and grabbing the cotton wool from beside him, pressing it against his still bleeding arm. Oh no! It was starting again - he could feel the tightness gathering in his chest. His head spun, he had cut a little too deep this time, and the blood loss mixed with his hunger was starting to get to him. Oh My God – Not again - He couldn't breathe.

"Calm down Jimin!" Tae rushed to the bed, carefully avoiding the blood on the sheets, and gathering Jimin in his arms. Jimin's heart skipped a beat and then sped up, he could hear liquid rushing in his ears and he was terrified he was going to faint.

Tae was rocking him back and forth, whispering reassurances and, when that didn't work, singing random lyrics to some of Jimin's favourite songs. A tiny part of Jimin was a little touched that Tae even remembered what songs he liked, but most of his brain was taken up with terrified panic as he tried to control his body.

Slowly Jimin's heart rate came back down, and his breathing steadied. When he could finally have a thought that wasn't about his body, he realised that he was sitting on his bed half naked, dripping blood, with his chest pressed against Tae's fully clothed one. He stiffened in Tae's arms, and pulled back against his hold.

"You can let go now Tae" Jimin said in a strangled tone, trying to put his emotions back into the box in his head.


"What? Let go Tae!"

"No – we need to talk and if this is the only way to get you to talk to me then I'm not letting you go"

Jimin sighed, trying to pull away from Tae, but eventually accepting that the younger's grip was just too strong for him to break when he was this weak, and relaxing into the hug. "Fine... but you're going to get blood all over you".

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