Chapter Thirteen

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Joon sat on the edge of Jimin's bed, as he looked at his friend.

"How's your hand?" Yoongi had filled him in on Jimin's injury when he saw him at work earlier that day.

Jimin looked down at his hand wrapped in a white bandage and wiggled his fingers.

Jimin didn't look at Joon, but he sounded like his normal cheerful self as he replied "It's good, you don't have to worry about me".

Joon nodded, waiting for Jimin to continue, before realising that was all he was going to say.

"Jimin, we should talk about us"

"I know"

"I'm sorry baby"

"I know that too ..... please don't call me baby"

Joon struggled to explain "I was drunk when I met Ji Yeon, and you were busy....and...."

Jimin nodded, "I know Joon, and it's OK, I understand"

"Did I say I was sorry?" Joon mumbled "I don't want to lose you"

Jimin didn't say anything, he swept Joon's hair off his forehead, kissed him on the cheek and left the room.

Joon's eyes started to water, an ache starting deep in his chest, as he realised that it was too late, he had already lost him. Jimin didn't want to be around him, and their friendship had disappeared overnight. All the memories of their teenage years, where they were almost inseparable, were now painfully tainted with guilt. 15 years of friendship - 15 years of Jimin being there for Joon, of Jimin cheering him up with his silly grins and stupid jokes. 15 years of Jimin listening to him gripe about some girl or boy who was playing hard to get. 15 years of Jimin throwing him surprise birthday parties and him pretending to be surprised every time. 15 years of him making Joon feel like he was important to someone, and cared for. All of it was gone, and he didn't know how to fix it.


Tae was standing outside Jimin's door when Jimin swept past, leaving Joon sitting in his room with tears in his eyes. Tae tried to grab his wrist as he walked past but Jimin pulled away before turning with a bright smile to ask Tae if he wanted a coffee. When Tae shook his head, Jimin left him in the hallway, with a confused frown on his face. What just happened?   

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