Chapter Twenty Five

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Two weeks later and Tae was screwed. He was completely miserable without Jimin, and he was making his flatmates lives miserable too.

He went from staring out the window for an hour to rushing around the apartment, refusing to settle to anything. Yoongi yelled at him constantly about getting his Shit together, but Tae just couldn't focus. Yoongi couldn't deal with the frantic energy and the fidgeting, it set him off and made him snappy, so now Yoongi was refusing to be around him at all.

Even Kookie, who is normally oblivious to mood changes, started to notice something was wrong. He tried to press Tae into talking to him about it, but Tae really didn't know what to say to Kookie, and he felt like he should probably talk to Jimin before anyone else.

After six weeks, Kookie had had enough of Tae's unpredictable temper, and started avoiding him, spending more and more time at Jin's house.

It reached a tipping point when he actually snapped at Kookie for breathing in an annoying way.

Kookie almost cried, and Yoongi grabbed his hand before glaring at Tae and telling him to get out of the living room and to leave them alone until he had got his emotions under control.

He slammed the door of his room and flung himself on the bed. Tae sighed, they were right, he had no idea what he was doing, his head was all over the place, and he had to last through another 4 months of this. The only thing he knew was that he wanted Jimin home where he belonged.

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