From me

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Hi guys

So this is the first fanfic I've ever written and considering nobody is reading anything I write it might be my last.  

I'm sorry for how long this turned out - Seriously it's like nearly 22000 words long - holy suga - I have no idea why I did this.  

I'm still not sure how long I'm going to leave this up for before I freak out and take it down - while having readers might be a little weird, having no readers is sad because it means that people dont like what I've written and that makes me feel bad about myself. 

I guess what I'm saying is that if you actually managed to find this story, and you liked it you might need to comment or something to stop me hating on myself. 

Also... if you want a sequal - the Hobi/Kookie story is already partially written in my head -thoughts? 

I love all my ghost readers - even the ones who hate my writing



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