Chapter Eighteen

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Kookie was sitting on the couch, his best friend Jin beside him watching a re-run of a his favourite daytime drama show, when Tae slumped into the arm chair and sighed.

Kookie glanced at him, and then checked him out again "Woah dude – you OK? You look like shit. What's up?"

Tae sighed again before shaking his head "I'm just worried"


Tae hesitated, before answering "No-nothing, maybe... or something... I don't know"

He was silent for a while so Kookie shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the TV.

"Hey Kook?"


"Have you noticed anything wrong with Jimin?"

"There's always something wrong with Jimin" Kookie laughed, but Tae didn't laugh with him. He stared wide-eyed at Tae, who wriggled uncomfortably, and slowly realised that Tae's question had actually been serious, "What do you mean?"

"Well..." Tae fidgeted in his seat "When was the last time you saw him really eat a meal?"

Kookie had to really think about it, "Ummm maybe a couple of weeks ago? He ate that cheese pizza remember?"

"Kook – he ate half a slice, then you and Yoongi ate the rest of it for breakfast the next day."

"Oh yeah..." Kookie wrinkled his nose trying to remember anything about Jimin's eating. He just really didn't notice these kinds of things. "Yah I don't remember the last time I saw him really eat... but I don't remember the last time I saw you eat either"

Tae tilted his head at Kookie, "OK then... new question... when was the last time he talked to you about anything – like his work or his course?"

Kookie frowned, this should have been an easy question. After the night that Jimin disappeared, Kookie had been really careful with what he said to the older boy, but when Jimin wasn't directly in front of him, he tended to put the boy out of his mind. But now that he was thinking about it, he literally could not picture a single occasion since that night where Jimin talked about anything apart from the housework or dinner.

Tae waited a moment, knowing the answer without Kookie having to say anything, "You haven't talked to him about anything right? It's OK – he's not really talking to me either..... You have seen him though right? Have you noticed anything strange about his appearance lately?"

"I don't know, I don't really look at him you know?" Kookie was getting frustrated and feeling a little like he was being accused of something "I guess he's been a little bit pale, but what's with all the questions Tae?"

Jin was frowning now too... "Is that your flatmate? The quiet one with blonde hair?"

"Yeah" Tae nodded looking past Kookie to his friend.

"He used to be really cute, but he's gone a little emo now" Jin replied glancing at Kookie.

Kookie looked at him in surprise – "Wait - what do you mean?"

"Well he used to wear those pastel colours, and tight T-shirts – remember? And his body was hot!" Jin blurted out in a rush, afraid he was making his friend look bad for not noticing, "But now it's all baggy clothes and dark colours. Plus he looks like he hasn't slept in like 100 years."

Jin was sad to see how shocked Kookie was about the change in Jimin "Geez Kookie, I don't even live here and I noticed. " Kookie blushed a little, he had to admit he's always been a little bit too wrapped up in his own world. But now.. well thanks to Tae, now Kookie was worried about Jimin too... and even Jin was looking a little concerned.

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