Chapter Nine

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Yoongi was deep in thought, desperately racking his brain to try to remember anything that would help them to locate their flatmate. He finally recalled a conversation he'd had with Jimin when he had been trying to cook dinner, he couldn't remember the topic of the conversation, but he clearly remembered Jimin talking about his brother. He was almost certain that they got along, and now that he thought about it, Jimin had a photo in his room of him with another boy that Yoongi was fairly sure had to be his brother.

After the call with Jimin's sister he was hesitant to call any of Jimin's family members, but they had to do something. Yoongi lost the round of Rock Paper Scissors, and picked up the phone to dial the number he had for Jimin's brother. Fortunately, he was right about Jimin and his brother, unfortunately his brother was older – and unbelievably protective.

Fortunately, he was right about Jimin and his brother, unfortunately his brother was older – and unbelievably protective.

After a several minutes of threats and explosive temper, Yoongi was finally told about the park by their old house, "Jimin used to go there to escape us – well more our sisters and our toxic mother"  his brother explained, "we weren't a close family before Jimin came out as bi, but the nastiness escalated to full blown torture after."

Kookie wished he'd known about that before his earlier phone call – he could still taste bile in the back of his throat from that chat.

"I tried to protect him but I wasn't home as much as I should have been." Jimin's brother continued before hanging up.

Yoongi looked over to Tae, who was calling Jimin's phone for the fifth time. Tae shook his head – still no answer. They clambered back into Tae's car, adding the address into his GPS, and heading towards the park.

Tae had sped through the city streets to the playground. "That's his car" Kookie exclaimed "Thank god". Tae parked his car beside Jimin's and flung his door open. They all jumped out... only to find the car was empty.

There was blood on the steering wheel, and an almost empty bottle of vodka was in the foot space. Yoongi tried the doors but the car was locked.

"FUCK!!!" Tae yelled at the car.

"His wallet isn't here" Yoongi pointed out "and neither is his phone, try his number again Tae"

Tae sat down on the curb, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He wasn't expecting much – this would be the seventh time he tried to call, and he knew the others had been calling Jimin too. Jimin was either ignoring them or he was too hurt to answer. But Tae dialled the number again anyway .... what else was he going to do?


"Jimin? Thank God - Where the Fuck are you?"

"I think I'm broken Tae"

He covered the mouthpiece and whispered to the other boys "God he's drunk – we need to find him."

"What are you talking about Jimin?"

"Nothing... don't worry... "

"Jimin? What are you even saying? Where are you?"

He could hear a different voice in the background of the call asking his if Jimin wanted him to talk. Then a clatter as if the phone had fallen out of his hand. The next minute a man's voice was talking to him.

"Are you one of these people he's been crying about for the last hour?" the voice demanded.

"Fuck – I don't know – maybe? Where is he?"

"Look here's the thing – if you're just planning on hurting this little boy more than he's already been hurt you might want to just hang up and I'll call his family tomorrow."

Tae flinched at the aggression in the man's voice, for a split second he considered leaving Jimin with the guard, but after his calls tonight he wasn't willing to let Jimin's family get involved, "I'm not going to hurt him" Tae said quietly but surely.

"OK, then come and get him – he's at the Alpha Security office. When you get here press one on the intercom and I'll come and find you".


The thoughts were back – they were roaring now, screaming at him, telling him how stupid he was. 'Why would you answer your phone you fool. He doesn't care, none of them care, why didn't you drink yourself into oblivion' God he wanted another drink, where was his vodka? 'They'd be happier without you' they yelled.

He pictured Tae's face, his deep brown eyes staring at Jimin with that look that he hated, the one that told Jimin that he wasn't really seeing him. The one that made the thoughts happy and him so miserable.

Dammit – where was his vodka?

Shit – He had answered his phone.

Tae was coming here, and he'd probably bring Kookie.

Fuck! He had to leave.

He tried to stand up but the room spun and he sank back into the couch, gripping his shrieking head in his hands trying to catch his breath.

'You deserve this' the thoughts were chanting loudly.

He sighed and rolled onto his back – he couldn't cry anymore, he had run out of tears.

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