Chapter Eight

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Tae, Kookie and Yoongi called the hospitals and late night Doctors, but no one had been admitted with their friends name, or matching his description. They started to call the people who they thought were his friends from school and work, the people that he had mentioned in conversations that they only half listened to while playing video games or watching TV. Or, in Joons case, when they were curled up in bed in the hazy glow after they had sex.

At the end of the first few calls they couldn't believe they had ever thought he liked these people. Jesus they were nasty! One had told Tae that he just needed to shake a McDonalds bag and call "here piggy piggy" and Jimin will show up. Yoongi was advised in some very nasty language that Jimin was just a drama queen and he's trying to get attention like he always did. Two were surprised that Jimin had any friends to worry about his whereabouts and one heard Jimin's name and just laughed and said he deserved anything he got.

Poor innocent Kookie had the misfortune of calling Jimin's sister. She was vicious, she couldn't wait to tell him everything wrong with his flatmate. That call lasted 20 minutes, Kookie said three words and felt like throwing up at the end of it.

By the end of the calls they were all pale – Kookie was still a little green from his last call and Yoongi looked like he wanted to break something.

"Do you think he deals with that attitude every day?" Yoongi asked with a shudder, squeezing his eyes closed.

"I'm not sure – he can't ... can he?" Kookie replied running his hand over his face "He's always so annoyingly cheerful and... you know... bouncy"

"What did he actually say about them do you remember Tae?"

Tae shook his head, close to tears, he couldn't remember anything Jimin had said. He had been busy, and Jimin was just always around him, always talking about nothing. Except... was it nothing? Tae thought. He had no idea what to do now.

"We have to organise a search ... " Kookie said.

"Sure Kooks," Yoongi agreed with a sarcastic smile "and where exactly would we start? Do any of us even know him enough to know where to begin?"


The banging wouldn't stop, it was dragging him out of the deep nothingness of being truly drunk. A clinking of metal on glass, echoing in his head. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking blearily in the bright light shining through his car window.

"Hey! Hey! You can't sleep here" Thankfully the security guard shifted the light away from his eyes so he could sort of focus on the voice.

"I'm not sleeping, I'm drinking" He slurred, giving him the cutest smile he could muster (which was actually fairly cute – He was well practiced in smiling through all sorts of things) and wiggling the vodka bottle at the face in the window.

"Yeah well you can't do that here either" the security guard squinted at the boy, he was clearly out of his mind drunk. And there was blood on the steering wheel. He sighed. "I can't let you drive home like there anyone you can call?"

His eyes filled up with tears and one dripped down his cheek, he didn't wipe it away, letting it drip off his chin. His expression was bland and emotionless. "Nope – not a single person" He said taking another drink.

'No one to miss you' whispered the thoughts in the back of his head 'Not Good Enough, Not Good Enough'.

The security guard looked at the boy, he reminded him of his son, full of pride and stupidity, why are young people like that? He sighed again.

"Then I guess you can come with me to the office, you can sleep it off on the couch while I do my paperwork then I'll drop you home."

The thoughts were screaming at him 'Don't Trust Him' but he actually didn't care what happened to him anymore. He took one last mouthful of vodka to shut the thoughts up, unlocked the doors, and tumbled out of the car. The security guard helped him up and steadied him, then took his keys from his hand to lock the car before helping him into the work truck. Jimin was dozing again before the guard got into the driver's side. He shook his head and drove to the security office.

A/N - These chapters are getting really long, sorry (?) I dunno - do people like long chapters?  Is anyone even going to read this?  Like ever?  Maybe I should just delete the whole thing. 

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