Chapter Seven

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Tae's car came to a halt in Joon's driveway and Tae, Yoongi and Kookie piled out. Leaping up the steps of the house they started pounding on the door. Seconds later Joon yanked it open, surprising Tae with the speed of the response.

"Is Jimin here?" demanded Kookie pushing past Joon into the hallway, as if Joon was hiding Jimin somewhere in the house.

Joon grabbed his sleeve "He's not here Kook, He was... but... He left." Joon ran his hands through his hair for the thousandth time. His clothes were a mess, his shirt was buttoned wrong and his jeans weren't zipped up. And he had a lit cigerette in his mouth, even though Tae knew he had quit smoking years ago. "And he's ignoring my calls" Joon added taking another drag on the smoke.

He sighed as he exhaled a cloud of smoke, and quickly explained what had happened between him and Jimin. He stuttered a little as he talked about the friends with benefits relationship they had been hiding from the boys, and what had happened tonight when Jimin showed up. Yoongi had walked out in the middle of the story, already knowing how it finished, he knew what Joon was like. But Tae continued listening to Joon as he mumbled through the whole mess. Joon's eyes were filling with tears, as Tae turned away from him – stepping towards his car.

He opened the car door and was going to get in when Joon suddenly remembered the blood on the porch "Hey Tae – I think Jimin's hurt, like actually physically hurt" He called to his friend "I think he's bleeding".


Jimin was back in his car, the bottle of vodka resting on his lips. His phone rang, but he ignored it, like he had ignored it the last three times. The alcohol felt good, everything had taken on a hazy look to it, blurry around the edges. The pain in his hand had faded to a dull ache, and he wiggled his fingers, until the glass in the cuts started to sting again. He deserved to be in pain. He locked the doors to the car, and took another mouthful of vodka. The burn as it went down his throat comforted him, and he curled up on his seat hugging the bottle to his chest, with a small smile curling his broken lip.

But even through the alcohol his tears wouldn't stop, they continued to fall down his cheeks dripping off his chin onto his hands.

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