Chapter Twenty One

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He started walking back to his room, but stopped in front of Jimin's door.

I might just check on him.... I mean he might be hurt or something right?... And Jimin was drunk... right? So I should probably check on him......... right? .... Right?

He nudged the door open and tiptoed to the bed, staring down at the sleeping boy. Jimin was curled up on his side with his right hand under his cheek, and his left hand tucked between his knees. Some of his fringe had fallen back onto his face, and Tae laughed at how stubborn Jimin's hair was. He reached over slowly and shifted the curl to sit back with the rest of his hair, and then found himself running a single fingertip down the side of Jimin's face.

Jimin stirred, but didn't open his eyes. Tae froze with his finger still touching Jimin's jawline. He slowly pulled back his hand and then started to turn away before he heard Jimin's voice again, "Cold.... And dark...." he was muttering, slurring the words and shivering "Mmmm need to find Tae"

Tae froze again, Jimin needed to find him? He tilted his head and looked at the boy, he wasn't asleep – that was for sure, but he was obviously not really awake either, and his eyes were still closed. It was clear that Jimin had no idea what he was saying or who he was saying it to. Tae wondered if maybe.... No... it would be totally wrong to take advantage of the poor kid's drunken state.... Wouldn't it?....But ... I mean it's not like he's going to remember it... and Tae was unbelievably curious to know more .... AND it's not like he was going to kiss him or anything.... OK ... he was going to do it...

He pulled Jimin's blankets further up over the trembling boy, and leaned over the bed, not touching him but whispering in his ear "Why do you need Tae, Jimin?"

He wasn't sure if it would work, and he was desperately hoping Jimin wouldn't suddenly open his eyes and find his roommate crouched by his bed whispering to him in the darkened room. Jimin mumbled and rolled closer to the edge of the bed that Tae was leaning over, and Tae thought he wasn't going to respond, but then he heard the whisper.

"I need.... light"

What? What the fuck did that mean? Well that just confused him more – Tae rocked back on his heels a little considering his elder. Did he risk one more whisper?

"Does Tae have your light Jimin?"

Jimin frowned a little, but his eyes didn't open, and he nuzzled deeper into his blankets before finally slurring "No.... No... Doesn't have my light.... Tae IS my light". 

He's my light VMINHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin