Chapter Three

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Tae knocked on the bedroom door - "Jimin?" he whispered tentatively.

It had been an hour since Jimin had said he needed a minute, and he still hadn't returned. Tae was feeling a little guilty, he knew how over-sensitive Jimin was, and Tae had to be honest with himself, they had definitely said some things that they knew would set Jimin off. Jimin would have retreated to his room to cry – like always. He hated crying in front of people, but he's normally over it pretty quickly, and he would be back to his normal irritating cheerful self. This was weird for him - and Tae knocked again.

In his left hand he held a steaming cup of coffee as a peace offering, and he slowly opened the door with his right. The room was empty, and dark. There was glass all over the floor, coated in blood. "Oh fuck" Tae muttered, and rushed down the hall, calling for the others, "Kookie! Yoongi! Jimin's gone and there's blood everywhere".

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