Chapter One

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The thoughts were still there, they were always there. Sometimes they roared in his head, making him want to curl in a ball clenching his head and screaming. On those occasions they drowned out everyone and everything else - sapped all of his energy and left him drained, empty and alone.

But it was worse when they were quiet and sneaky. Little whispers in the back of his head, colouring everything with malice and doubt. They would be quiet for a while,but he knew they would be back. And then they would laugh at him, taunting him, and making him stutter.

Tonight the thoughts were loud, but notscreaming. The actions of the day ran through his head as thethoughts pulled out each memory and examined them in detail. Theypointed out where he was wrong, how stupid he looked when he talked,they told him 'This! This is why they don't like you!'.

They showed him what the others really thought of him, picking up their facial expressions and magnifyingthem, replaying each second over and over, focussing on that last moment... the one that made him cry.

'What did you think you were doing?' they asked him, laughing at him. 'Why would he ever want to be around you? He didn't even want to be your friend– no one wants to be your friend – you are such a pest, he regrets every moment he has to spend with you'

'You would only drag him down, can you imagine how much you would disappoint him? And then where would you be?' a second thought joined in,

'You aren't pretty or funny, you're mean', 'You're ugly inside and out' a third and fourth voice taunted him 'You aren't good enough'

All of the thoughts crowed in a chorus'YOU AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH'

He was shaking and sobbing and begging for the thoughts to stop, but they got louder. They reminded him that he was pathetic, and ugly. He was dramatic. He was fat and stupid. He just was Not Good Enough. They kept taunting him, pushing and pushing until...


He's my light VMINNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ