Chapter Twenty Eight

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Jimin was really quiet on the drive back to the apartment, and Tae was starting to tense up in the silence. He scrambled to think of something safe and easy to talk to Jimin about, but everything he thought about seemed like it was too involved for a car trip kind of conversation. He opened his mouth hoping that some thought would make it's way out but there was nothing, so he closed it again.

"How are Yoongi and Kookie?" Jimin finally asked quietly, breaking the silence, and Tae sighed in relief, this was a safe topic.

"Well Yoongi figured out he wasn't as straight as he thought he was while you were away" Jimin raised an eyebrow but actually didn't seem that surprised.

Tae was grinning at him and Jimin asked "Why is that funny?"

"He figured it out by walking in on Kookie's friend Jin when he was borrowing our shower, and getting an instant and very hard to hide bulge in his pants, and Jin made it clear that he could see it" Tae was laughing now, "I swear – Yoongi was so red he looked like he was a tomato, and he shut himself in his room for three days. He refused to come out until Kookie climbed up the fire escape and crawled through his bedroom window"

Jimin was laughing now, his whole body rocking forwards against the seatbelt, his hands came up to cover half his face and his eyes scrunched up into crescent moons. Tae was entranced, he couldn't get over how happy Jimin looked, and he just wanted the elder boy to stay like that forever. He really wished he had a hand free to take a photo.

"Oh poor Yoongi" Jimin sputtered in between bouts of laughter.

"It's not that bad," Tae chuckled, "I'm pretty sure him and Jin are going to end up together. They are actually pretty adorable together."

"Awww Yoongi has come over to the Dark Side" Jimin was still laughing as he leaned over and wrapped his hand around Tae's bicep, leaning his head towards the younger man.

"Hmmmm" Tae agreed "Kookie is still straight as an arrow though so we have our hetero buddy. Since Jin's been busy he's been hanging around Hobi. I'm still not sure that's a great idea since Hobi is a bit of a player, and I'm a little worried about his influence on Kookie."

Jimin thought about it for a minute then reached out and touched Tae's arm again. Tae hadn't realised how touchy Jimin actually was, and every time his hand came into contact with Tae's body, even through the clothing, Tae felt his skin spark and warm up. He smiled at the feeling, loving every second of tactile contact, before focussing on what Jimin was saying.

"Kookie's good Tae, he's lived with you and Yoongi for years, and he's had Jin in his life for almost as long. That boy is made up of the best parts of the best men I know. He already knows who he is." Jimin smiled at his friend "Hobi might be helping him to have some fun, but it would take a much stronger influence than that ball of fluff to change the person Kookie has become."

Tae glanced at Jimin, that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to him, and god it was insightful. Jimin might look like a ditz but he was so smart. Tae couldn't help reaching over and grabbing the older boys hand, keeping his other hand on the wheel, and intertwining their fingers for a minute. And a little happy hum came from the passenger side.

"Thanks Chim" Tae tightened his grip on the other's hand, squeezing slightly before taking his hand back and placing it on the steering wheel.

"What for?" the elder asked, blushing a little.

"For knowing what to say"

Jimin blushed harder, and turned his face away from the younger boy, but he was smiling, and the smile was reflected in the car window.

A few minutes later, Jimin sighed a contented sigh "You know, that's the best conversation I've ever had with you" he said, happily "It's the first time you've ever really talked to me ... you know... like I'm your friend!"

The idea that this conversation was actually the best conversation they had ever had made Tae angry at himself, and so very sad in the core of his being. "I hope that we can talk like this forever" he sighed.

Inside he was freaking out about the thought of telling Jimin how he felt, and he knew that that conversation would be happening as soon as they got home, which would be in 5 minutes. He hoped that Jimin still felt the same as he did before he went in for treatment, he was hoping that Jimin was healthy enough to hear what he had to say without it causing issues for him. Mostly he was just hoping that it wouldn't destroy the feeling he had in his heart right at that second, as he looked at the man that he never really noticed, and realised that he was his soulmate

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