Chapter Thirty Two

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Jimin was sitting in his therapist's office, smiling at the older man. He had been coming back to the clinic at least once a month ever since his initial 6 month stay (and sometimes he was back here more often than that) so this was all very familiar to him. He was waiting patiently for the normal line of questions to begin

"Anyoung haseyo Jimin, how are you feeling today?"

"Anyoung haseyo Ajeossi – I'm feeling really good - how are you?"

The therapist smiled at the formality of the young man in front of him. He was one of the therapists favourite patients, and he never failed to be respectful, which the therapist appreciated.

"I'm good, are you ready to begin?" he replied


"Ok – let's run through the standard questions, you know the deal by now. Because your issues have always been acerbated by your friends and family, let's start with the relationship ones this time yeah?"

Jimin nodded.

"Question one – Are you currently in a relationship with anyone?"

Jimin smiled, he loved answering this question.


The therapist looked up at the boy, still smiling at him "I'm assuming you're still with Tae? How long have you two been in a relationship now?" He had met Jimin's partner a couple of times, it was normal to involve the patient's spouse during some sessions.

"Two years four months and six days plus some hours - But I'm totally not keeping track " Jimin laughed and the therapist chuckled with him.

"I'm very happy to hear that you are still together. And your relationship is still happy and healthy?"

Jimin considered for a second "Well we did argue about whose turn it was to go grocery shopping the other day – it got very heated – I think I even frowned a little" Jimin giggled "But seriously we are good. He is still the most amazing thing to happen to me, and he still tells me every day that he loves me"

The therapist had to admit in the back of his head that he was a tiny bit jealous of the relationship the two men had.

"And how is your sexual relationship?" The doctor looked at the younger.

Jimin wiggled his eyebrows as he always did when this question was asked "Oooh doc are you trying to get the dirty details?" he covered his mouth as he giggled a little "Let's just say that we are very happy with our sex lives." The smile stayed on his face.

"And now for the super hard and incredibly tough question" the doctor was smiling too "are you still in love with your partner?"

"Yes – 100% yes"

"That's amazing Jimin," the doctor said before taking a few more notes. "OK – let's move on from Tae shall we? Next question" The doctor looked at the list of standardised questions in his book "Do you currently have one or more friends outside of your relationship?"

"Yes, I'm still very close to Yoongi and Jin, although they moved to the other side of Seoul a couple of weeks ago, so it's been a little hard not seeing them in my kitchen every day" Jimin's face fell a little at the thought "And of course Kookie is still a major part of my life –did I tell you he's working at my company now? So I get to see him every lunchtime." Jimin smiled again as he considered his best friend, like who knew they would end up being this close?

"And then there's Joon and he's got a new boyfriend who I really like – shit - what was his name? Ooo sorry about the language... Aish this is embarrassing" Jimin struggled to remember "I think it was Jason? Or Jared? No No .... ... wait – it was .... Jackson – he's a little over the top, but he's a good match for Joon and I'm hoping to get to know him a little better."

He's my light VMINOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora