Chapter Twenty Nine

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Jimin climbed out of the car and closed the door, but didn't move towards the building. Staring up at the apartment block, a small shadow passed across his features. This isn't where it started to go wrong, that happened well before he met the boys, but this is where he hit rock bottom. And he couldn't move any closer. He wasn't feeling panicked, his breathing was easy and there were no bands around his chest. He was focussed, and clear headed. But his body did not want to enter that building, he physically did not want to move.

Tae opened the trunk of the car and grabbed Jimin's bag, and started to walk towards the glass doors. He was halfway to the entrance when he realised Jimin wasn't following him. He turned round and went back to the boy. Noticing the blank look on his face and realising what was happening, Tae dropped the bag at his feet and casually leant against the car beside Jimin, staring up at the building. After a minute Jimin reached over and gently wrapped his smaller fingers around Tae's hand.

Tae looked down at their hands, then up at the dark haired boy, but Jimin never took his eyes off the building. Tae moved his fingers so they were holding hands properly, and squeezed gently. They stood like that for another few minutes before Jimin finally turned to Tae "OK I'm ready"

Tae couldn't help himself, Jimin was being so brave and he was so full of love for the boy, he leaned over and kissed Jimin on the cheek. It was quick and a little harder than it needed to be, and it didn't have the heat of the previous kisses, but it was exactly what Jimin needed.

"Come on then" Tae leaned over and picked up Jimin's bag. Jimin tried to take his hand back, but Tae refused to loosen his grip, slipping both his and Jimin's hand into the pocket of his coat. He smiled down at the shorter boy before tugging him slightly towards the entrance.

He didn't let go of Jimin's hand until they were outside of their apartment. Jimin was blushing slightly from being pulled along by the younger boy, and he was laughing at the puppy-like eagerness on Tae's face. Tae only let go so that he could get the key out of his pocket and he missed the contact immediately. Opening the door he grabbed the smaller boys hand again before pulling him forwards slightly into the apartment. As they walked past Tae's bedroom door, he dropped Jimin's bag in the doorway. Jimin raised his eyebrow at Tae, but the younger boy was already rushing forwards to the sitting room.

As the pair turned the corner into the room Jimin was caught in a tight grip, arms wrapping around his waist and a warm body pressed against his back. Someone's head was leaning on his shoulder and he could feel the person's warm breath. Jimin's heart jumped, but Tae laughed. "Kook he's just got home, and you're squeezing him to death, can you back off please?"

The arms around his waist loosened a little as Kookie laughed under his breath "Sorry Jimin, I'm just so happy you are home" Jimin looked at him in shock, "Tae has been a complete dick without you" Kookie continued ignoring the looks that both Jimin and Tae were giving him.

Tae could feel his whole body blushing as he pulled Jimin further into the room and away from Kookie.

"Wait..." Jimin tugged on their joined hands and turned back to Kookie his eyebrows drawn together in confusion, "Are we... like... are we ... friends? Cause we've never done the whole skinship thing before?"

Kookie looked at the ground and shuffled around a little "We've always been friends Jiminie, I've just been a really bad one, like the worst friend that has ever walked on the planet, and I'd ... kind of... ummm... I'd really... ummm I'd just like to change that"

Kookie looked back up, his eyes filling with tears "If you'll let me try?"

Happiness and relief flooded Jimin and his face broke into a huge grin "I'd really like that Kooks" he smiled hugging the younger to his side with one arm because Tae still wouldn't let go of his other hand, then whispered "To make it up to me... Can I call you Bunny?" he laughed.

Kookie's eyes widened, and his face was bright red but he nodded and scurried away to sit with the vaguely familiar; red haired boy on the other side of the room. Hobi didn't move from his seat as Kookie joined him, he was never really close to Jimin, but he waved at the dark haired boy with a warm smile, not really understanding the tension in the others.

Jimin turned back towards the others in the room. Yoongi was sitting sideways on the couch, his legs draped across the thighs of an older boy, with strawberry blonde hair. Yoongi pushed his ash grey hair out of his eyes and looked up at Jimin "Hi buddy - How are you feeling?" he asked looking mildly worried.

"I'm really good - thanks Yoongi", Jimin was relieved that Yoongi was behaving as he always had. If Yoongi had been clingy like Kookie, then Jimin didn't think he could have believed that any of this was real.

But after all of the therapy he'd just gone through, he could finally see in Yoongi everything he had missed before. There was genuine concern in Yoongi's eyes, and a tone of Yoongi's voice telling Jimin that he was actually interested in the answer. And finally Yoongi gave a little sigh of relief when Jimin smiled at him, with his whole heart, and the smile lingered in his eyes.

Yoongi nodded, before turning back to the other boy with a huge gummy smile on his face "So, this is Jin... he's going to be around a bit... he doesn't seem to know when he's not welcome" Yoongi teased the blond who was trapped on the couch by Yoongi's legs.

Jin looked at Jimin with a little smile "We've met before....Actually you're looking really good" Jin winked at him before looking at Yoongi "You know I'm wondering if I should be trading up" he wiggled his eye brows at Jimin making him giggle.

Yoongi frowned and pressed down on Jin's legs with his own. Tae pulled Jimin a little closer to him and actually growled at the blond boy, which made Jimin giggle more. "Come on Chim, let's get you settled" Tae smiled at the older boy before pulling him back out of the sitting room

Jimin nodded, looking at the other boy gratefully. He was feeling a little overwhelmed with the other boys in the house, and was happy to have the chance to catch his breath.

"Besides, we've got some stuff we should probably talk about" he said a little quieter so that the others couldn't hear him. Jimin's heart leapt in his chest. 

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