"Good. Now Mister Owens, What is Ozone?"

"I forgot" He answered and he didn't even get up from his seat.

She just sighed and looked for another student. "Mister Rollins" She glared at him. "Same ques----"

"Ozone is a form of oxygen and serves as a shield of the Earth from harmful radiation. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which may cause skin cancer, genetic mutations, and cataracts." Seth stated as he stood up.

The whole class got silent while some dropped their jaw. Even Stephanie can't believe it.

"That's too short. Can I add more?" He asked plainly.

"What an arrogant geek." Charlotte murmured as she keeps spinning her eyes.

"No. It's enough." Stephanie rolled her eyes and the bell rang.

Mr. Graves can't go in their room because of his unfinished paper works in the faculty.

Chris walked on the front, together with Kevin. "Mr. Graves can't lecture so he assigned me to list the stupid idiot noisy students!" Chris announced, holding his list.

"Boring!" Mike and Dolph reacted.

"B-boring?!" Kevin leered at them.

"Do you know what happens when you said boring to us? HUH Mizanin, Ziggler?!" Chris clicked his pen.

"Ugh! We're tired of it!" Mike and Dolph rolled their eyes.

"YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!" He listed their names.

"I don't care." Mike removed his shades and looked at his lovely seatmate, Maryse.

"Do you need anything?" She asked, polishing her nails.

"Are you a camera?"

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