Bonus Epilogue

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Melinoe was born in the Underworld shortly before Persephone's departure back to her mother's cottage. She grew fast, and was becoming the spitting image of her father. From what both Persephone and Hades saw of Zagreus, it was evident that he too, was the image of his evident, you could guarantee nearly every God and Goddess knew who the true father was. Poor Zagreus didn't resemble Zeus at all. 

Well, everyone recognized this except for Hera, Zeus' forever jealous wife. 

Zagreus was a treasure in Persephone's heart, arguably more so than to Hades. He represented many things to her. The product of her first love, and what she went through in order to get him. 

Even though she had Melinoe, a daughter she could keep with her at all times, a daughter she could raise alongside her husband...a first child always holds onto a certain part of your heart. 

That is why it was all the more painful when she lost him. 

Zagreus was set upon the throne in Olympus when he was still very young. Too young to be left alone, and it is quite possible Persephone will never quite forgive Zeus for this mistake. 

Upon the throne Zagreus was armed with a lightning bolt, a lightning bolt that was to protect him while Zeus was away.  Jealous Hera distracted the child with toys, and Zagreus, still a foolish child, dropped the lightning bolt and surrendered his safety. Hera's men quickly pounced, dismembering the child with their knives until he was nothing but pieces laying before the throne. 

Upon Zeus' return, he found the horrifying mess, and quickly salvaged what he could of the child, using his heart to create a potion so that he may be reincarnated. 

Persephone remembers the day she was told of her son's death incredibly vividly. The torment that filled her for day and night didn't end for months. Though it was a small consolation that Zagreus was reborn as Dionysos, it did not replace the hole in her heart.  The reincarnation of him merely serves his purpose, the God is truly not her son. 

Hades grieved as well, but had to stay strong for Persephone. 

In the end, they both agreed to keep their distance for Olympus, their relationship with the Gods above forever changed by this betrayal. Persephone wanted nothing to do with Olympus, unable to face her father or his tragically unforgiving murderous wife. Hades never cared for them, so it was an easy decision to stay separate. 

Persephone had never been more thankful they had their own Kingdom together. A place they could ensure their own daughter's safety. 

Many rumors spread that Melinoe was also Zeus' child, conceived while he was disguised as Hades, and that Persephone simply kept her hidden so that Hera would not kill their second child. This time, neither the King or Queen of the Underworld cared at all what the mortals chose to believe. 

Melinoe grew up as a dark beauty, and feared Goddess, inheriting a fiery temper, but also beauty one could only inherit from Persephone, the Goddess of Spring. She did become lonely, and Persephone felt terribly sorry for her daughter. Though, eventually Melinoe found her own calling, wandering the Earth throughout the night to amuse herself.

Years, and years later, Persephone's heart was touched by the demigod, Macaria. The girl was the daughter of Hercules, and also responsible for his debts. Said debts that her father never repaid back to Eurystheus after all for his penance. Macaria's fate was to become a sacrifice. A sacrifice to Persephone herself, actually, in order for Athens to win the war they currently fought. 

Persephone accepted this sacrifice and made sure Macaria did not die in vain. The residents of Athens also honoured her, naming the area she was sacrificed as the Macarian Spring. 

Not long after, a miracle surprised Persephone when she found that she was pregnant again, and thereafter bore her second daughter, Macaria. Macaria was a sweet child, representing a blessed death, and all the goodness that her sister Melinoe lacked. Eventually, she became a merciful partner with Thanatos, and worked for her father whole-heartily. 

Persephone, with her two daughters and steadily faithful husband, eventually found contentment, and no need for more children. She grew to accept going back and forth between her two worlds halfway through the year, and now enjoys bringing Spring every year even though she must be away from Hades. 

Now that they have found the love that they have, and all the time in the Universe, taking a little vacation from each other doesn't hurt. It merely grows their love stronger. 

Forever, until this very day. 

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