Return of Cerberus

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*Two months later*


I complete my judging early in the morning while Persephone slept. I had hoped for her to wake and I'd be able to have breakfast with her first thing. 

To my surprise, Sephie was up a mere twenty minutes after me, running around the Underworld with her handmaidens, planting gardens here and there, spreading her nurturing love nearly everywhere she walked. By the time she was finished many corners of the Underworld were barely recognizable. 

I honestly don't care much for gardens, but I'll never object to the idea if that would mean that darn adorable smile she has right now will go away. If the gardens make her happy, and I see more and more of that smile the more she makes this her home, then all the better. I couldn't be prouder of her. 

She works less with me now and now has learned to enjoy her self-assigned duties. She still enjoys judging souls with me now and again, but it doesn't fulfill her the same way it does I, and I am glad she has found another output to spend her time. Something that she is destined for. 

Other than that, my Sephie spends her spare time doting on her handmaidens, changing their hair, giving them beauty infused gifts and whatnot. I can't even keep up with what she does, but the girls haven't stopped smiling since. I never thought I would see my Queen fooling around and spoiling her handmaidens so much, but I am strangely proud that she does. It is noble of her, and Jasmine and Isabelle have earned some happiness after a lifetime of serving me in silence before Persephone came along. 

Persephone couldn't have done a better job in bringing a bounty of joy to us all. 


After tending to my gardens I ate my breakfast alongside my husband. 

I can't help but sneaks peeks at him while we eat. It pleases me when I have surprises in store for him. I had not just one bit of news arrive this morning, but I have another surprise  I'm sure he'll be surprised with.

"What are you smiling so brightly about? You hiding something?" My prying husband isn't fooled for a second. 

"Possibly, but let's eat and see if I decide to show you yet or not." I blush furiously. 

"Sure, sure." He chuckles. 

"Fine, I'll take you right now." I give up, and tug him out of his chair. "Close your eyes," I demand playfully. 

He growls impatiently but obliges. I lead him down the familiar hall until we reach the end. I can already see him smirking as he plays along, but I very well know he already knows exactly what's going on. 

"Open your eyes," I say as we come to a stop. 

He grins as he takes in his beloved hound. "Cerberus." He sighs contently. "Finally, you have returned to me." 

I smile and hug him tight. "He came back this morning." 

"Along with his captor?" He chuckles.


Hades nearly jumped in surprise for literally for the first time to find Hercules in his presence. I couldn't quite tell if he was pleased to meet him or not, as he remained neutral, as he naturally is when he speaks with anyone besides me...unless he's angry, of course.

"Uncle, I hope you accept my apologies and accept Cerberus back safe and sound." Hercules bows his head and attempts to make his leave. 

Hades watches him curiously. "Fine job." He says simply, to which Hercules nods with a slight smile. 

We don't know how things turned out for Hercules, but I had wished him well. 

Together we returned to the throne room, casually holding the hands of each other as we did so. Hades turns to me and kisses me softly, his lips barely touching mine. "What a tease." I huff with a smirk. 

"Shush." He chuckles, kissing me again, both of his hands entwined with mine. "Let's just get things back to normal now that Cerberus is back. The gates are secure again, and no more unwanted, unexpected visitors." 

I bite my lip and lean in for another kiss, intending to kiss him silly...only to be interrupted by a shrieking scream of Thanatos himself. That terribly familiar holler made me noticeably wince. I attempt to hide in Hades embrace as I realize with horror that Thanatos is furious...and coming straight for us to speak to his master. 

If only I wasn't here. 

"It's alright, it's only Thanatos. You'd have to meet him eventually." Hades murmurs comfortingly, completely clueless that such a meeting has already occurred, and he's about to be cross the moment he figures it out. 

"Hades." Thanatos thunders. He stands before us, I curled in the crook of Hades' arm. Thanatos bows to Hades sternly before his dark eyes meet mine. He pulls down his hood. 

"I'm pleased to see you haven't gotten yourself tied up again." Hades merely responds, a small smirk tugging at the side of his lips. 

"I don't appreciate the mockery, but no I've managed quite the opposite." Thanatos replies, not a touch amused. He quickly leaves to the judgment room without a word while Hades and I wait in confusion. 

Perhaps, he will not mention anything about my previous encounter with him. He has not even acknowledged my presence. Why is that? 

My hair stood on end as he returned, an oddly familiar man alongside him, chained impossibly tight in his grasp. "The culprit himself," Thanatos growls. 

I have to force down my horrified gasp. Two men are here at once who could out me even more than I have already been outed. Hades knows I had been down to see the Fates, but he knows nothing about my meeting with Sisyphus, and my prior knowledge Thanatos had been tied up. He doesn't know I neglected to tell him before Ares arrived that I already knew everything. 

"This is who tied you up?" Hades was already laughing. "I'm slightly embarrassed for you." 

Sisyphus smirks, clearly not disturbed at all to be back in the Underworld and in the grasp of the death bringer himself. "I am embarrassed for you as well, Lord of the Dead." 

Hades frowns, and I tighten my grasp on Hades' forearm. My eyes widen as they meet Sisyphus' eyes, but I see no relent in his gaze. 

"Clearly, you need to keep a closer eye on your wife." Sisyphus grins and then nods at me. "Nice to see you again Persephone, beloved Goddess of Spring...and I suppose, a moderately loyal wife to the King of the Underworld. What have you been up to since I saw you last?" 

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