The Debate

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Demeter stutters but is harshly shushed by Zeus. "Don't even try to deny it. Clearly, you took it from Persephone."

He turns to Persephone. "Sorry, but we must read it aloud. It may affect the decision."

Hera finally speaks up. "I believe from here it would be fair to base the decision on the number of Gods and Goddesses who support each side. Hades and Persephone and Demeter can all make their cases, but first, let's hear the note." She agrees, turning to Athena attentively.

She stands. "It is addressed to "my husband." She begins.

I sip more wine anxiously as she reads the note. My heart warming more and more by each word she spouts.

"I wish for us to stay together, even if the deal remains the same and I must part from you for half the year." Athena continues. "It would be worth it to call myself yours and not be in the hands of any other imbecile above ground. You are whom I was meant to stand beside. Rule together..." She glances in my direction again, a small smile appearing again. "...Eventually as lovers. I want to be yours, as I was meant to be. Please wait for me. I will return to you. Yours, Persephone."

I set down my wine, feeling Persephone's eyes on the back of my head. I simply love what she wrote, but I ached for more, as she likely does as well.

Eventually as lovers.

Oh, how I wish we will get to that point soon.

"So, it does appear Persephone is fond of you," Zeus concludes. "I think we can all agree on Persephone's decision. However, the debate can continue as to whether or not she can make this important decision on her own."

He motions to Demeter's side. "Please, speak your minds."

I gulp. My wine isn't refilling this time. I must have overstepped my limit.

"I will speak for everyone." Demeter insists.

Of course you will.

"I think I've made my main points clear. I will not allow Persephone to run away on her simply inexperienced reasoning. She wasn't meant to be in the Underworld. She needs the sun to survive! And the world above needs her! She is the Goddess of Spring, and I need her assistance in keeping this Earth as habitable and fruitful as possible! Besides that, she is far too young, and she was always meant to remain pure. She is a pure soul." Her voice slightly cracks. "I can accept she is no longer pure. That was ripped from her." She grits her teeth, facing me. "But she is still pure in mind and soul, but I fear that the longer she stays with him, he will gradually become the ruin of her." She looks to everyone around the table. "And if any of you claim you would be alright handing your own daughter to this monster, I would call you a liar. It is dooming them to a life of solitude. A life without sun, nor flowers - Persephone's favourite thing in the world practically - and basic freedom!"

She sits in a huff. "And I said I would not take care of the Earth as long as she is not with me, and I stand by that!" She finishes.

I am surprised she did not say more, but she is clearly too overwhelmed to gather her words.

Zeus nods. "Persephone, can you stand and give your statement?"


I nod, ignoring the sick feeling rising in my stomach. If I don't word this right, it could be the end of this...and I couldn't handle that.

I am still blushing from the revelation of my note as well, and I know it is obvious to everyone as I stand. I slightly face them all, shyly looking to Hades. I ache to run to his arms...It is a strange urge, one I never imagined I would feel for a man, but I have not forgotten how I had grown to admire him in the Underworld and my opinion has not changed.

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