The Fates

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I walk until the sound of Thanatos' angry yells has faded into the distance. 

Before me lay a long tunnel, ending with a spark of light. I could not distinguish if there was anyone there by sight, but I could have sworn I heard hushed whispers. 

As I walk at a faster pace towards them, the voices become loud enough to hear clearly. The voices of three elderly women. 

"Persephone! Persephone! The brave Queen has come!" The first says. 

"We have been expecting you, my dear." The second calls out. 

"Welcome! Welcome!" The last cheers. 

I stand before the three ladies, not knowing how close I should approach. Instead, I take in their appearances. They are exactly how I pictured them. Three women, yielding thread upon thread. Smiling, the first of them pulls out a pair of scissors and holds it up to the current golden thread they are wielding. She does not even blink while she attempts to cut it...I watch in surprise as the thread remains in place, untouched by the blade. 

My heart pounds, as my mind has already strayed to whether or not that thread is for me. 

They all peer at the thread angrily, and then curiously. 

"Thanatos." The first grumbles. "He is...not doing his job." All three of them turn their heads in my direction disapprovingly. "What have you done?" They instantly accuse. 

I rear back away from the three of them, absolutely speechless. 

"This is ridiculous. Look at her. She's a weak little flower. There's no chance she took on Thanatos, the bringer of death himself." The second scoffs. 

"But she definitely knows who did." The third comments, observing me closely. 

"Tell us!" The first demands, rushing over to me. 

"I-it was Sisyphus." I stutter. "He tied him up. I'm assuming to escape him." 

The three all pause for a moment, before all three each scream in frustration. "That damn man, always breaking the rules. He can despise death all he wants, but he cannot defy us any longer!" The first faces me. "Girl, you must have him released. You are the Queen of the Underworld, surely you can arrange this." 

I nod vigorously, cursing myself for allowing this mess to happen. If I had stopped Sisyphus, maybe the Fates would be more sociable. Then again, would I have even made it here? I think not.

"Now, girl, why are you here? Especially without the company of your husband..." The second peers at me with a touch of disgust. 

"I-I have come to speak to you and possibly renegotiate-" 

"To convince us to let Hades bear children?" They ask instantly. 

My eyes widen. "How did you know?" 

"We're the Fates." They simply answer. "And Hades has already come to see us today on the same matter. Looks like both of you want the same thing." 

I struggle to hide my surprise. He's already been here? Does that have something to do with him going to Olympus? I try to put two and two together but the Fates interrupt my train of thought.

"Girl. We've already come to an agreement with your husband. One I'm sure he would rather tell you himself when he returns from his meeting with his brother." They wave their hands in an attempt to dismiss me. "Now, get on, and make sure Thanatos is released as soon as possible." 

I nearly turn to leave, but stop myself. "Wait! Tell me what the agreement is, and I will make an even better one with you." 

The third of the three smiles at me. "What makes you think that the agreement isn't already satisfactory?" 

"I'll know when you tell me." I insist stubbornly. 

The first woman, faces me, clearly amused. "Alright girl. The agreement is that you are allowed to bear a child for now. Under certain conditions." 

My heart flutters immediately. "What conditions?" 

"The Underworld is no place for a child, and we do not require any more Gods or Goddesses down here. It must be raised above ground only, and raised under the guidance of another God, not Hades." They answer. 

I frown. I understand not being raised in this place, but Hades cannot raise our baby? "Why another God?" 

"Hades cannot raise a child above ground, Persephone. It's simply not possible, and it will be distracting him from his duties, but the child needs a father. If Zeus agrees, he will play the role of the child's father." They state sternly. 

I swallow hard, and look to the ground sadly. "They will never know their real father?" 

"They can know him, but as far as the mortals are concerned, they will be the child of Zeus." 

I shake my head in defiance. "It isn't fair to Hades. His children should have the right to bear his name, and tell the world who their father is." 

They all shake their head in annoyance. "Persephone, we can dance around the truth all we want. A child of Hades is simply an abomination. The mortals will never accept your child, nor worship them the same if they knew he is Hades' spawn. Is that the life you want for them?" 

I shake with built-up anger, but I will get nowhere. "Alright. Are there any more conditions?" 

"Yes." They continue. "The Underworld is not a place life can normally be created. The child has to be conceived anywhere else but here." 

I accept that as well and move to leave. 

"Wait, child." The third, the one with the kindest face of them all, stands. "I commend you for coming here, girl. I see your pain, and I understand that another God or Goddess could be used down in the Underworld, but it wouldn't be a pleasant role." 

I turn to her curiously. "What are you saying?" 

"If you successfully free Thanatos, we will permit you to have two children. One raised as the son of Zeus, above ground, and another that can be raised here and raised as the son or daughter of Hades." She answers sweetly. "Then...possibly more." 

My heart bursts with overjoyed hope. "Oh! Thank you, thank you." I come closer to her. "But what would the role be?" 

"The God or Goddess of Ghosts."

Hades and Persephone Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora