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Throughout the night I didn't dare to close my eyes. Persephone's little body was adorably wound around mine...I never realized how lonely my nights had become once again in her absence. I had slept on my own for centuries, but one change in my routine and I was hooked: hooked on the warm little body of a woman who's hypnotized me from the moment I first saw her. 

I remember it perfectly, of course. Why wouldn't I? I had attended her birth celebration. I never usually attended such pointless occasions when I usually assumed I would eventually grow to disprove or forget about most gods and goddesses born....but I went just out of spite to prove a point wrong to Zeus. Yes, I can still participate in family affairs, Zeus. It's not like I'm dead. 

 They pegged her the Goddess of Spring. The little girl felt like the opposite of me, but there was something about her that intrigued me. An aura of purity. It was an odd sight for me when I was usually secluded in darkness. I would have to have been heartless not to have been affected by such perfect innocence. 

In all the years I ruled in the Underworld, I had little interest in visiting the ground above. Only self-centred, judgmental gods and goddesses were to be found there, and most mortals make my acquaintance in the afterlife anyhow.  I don't have any disadvantages Underground - or so I had thought. Now, the small things I had been missing out on can be changed now that Persephone was here...and somehow, way back when she was nothing but a child, I sensed that about her. A shining light from within her that beckoned to be as if the fate was tugging at my heartstrings. Perhaps fate did pair us together. They reside with me in the Underworld as well. Perhaps they finally grew tired of my mumbling and grumbling and thought I needed the company of a woman; a thing I never I assumed I needed or wanted. 

Oh, how I was mistaken. 

I did see Persephone all those years ago playing at that pond. Her and the nymphs told each other tales of a handsome god that would whisk them off their feet and treat them to the adventures the world held. The little girl back then didn't even have a clue what that adventure would be, but I am glad I was able to take her on an unforgettable journey at least - despite it involving a kidnapping and a forced marriage - which I now regret. 

It would have been a wonderful experience to have courted that glowing girl from above. A singing, doe-eyed, red-haired little goddess who's only obligation was blooming beauty into the world each Spring. It would have been wonderful to bring her flowers and take her out for an afternoon picnic and have her look at me with admiration and eventually love. It surely beats what the reality was: hatred and then eventually love.

It was a pleasantly surprising outcome despite the circumstances of our marriage. I'll still take it.

I pull her closer to me as I ponder on what could have been, and what I could possibly do to it make our beginning barely a memory. 

"Let's have a fresh start, sweetness. My little flower." I fondly kiss the top of her head and hope that tomorrow morning does not bring the distress I suspect it will. 

Thank you Persephone, because of you, even flowers can grow down in a place of death.


A small pounding awoke me to an empty bed. The blankets had been thrown off in a hurry. I quickly throw on one of my pink, silk robes (courtesy of Hades) before exiting the bedroom. Down the hallway, I heard the faint sound of shouting and recognized my husbands stern voice immediately. 

Despite my anxious thoughts, I parade myself down the hallway as confidently as I can and reach Hades and Zeus mid-sentence. 

"Demeter is going to have my head." Zeus rolls his eyes. He glances at me briefly. "Especially if she finds out she's dressing like that." For a moment I'm embarrassed I didn't dress more properly...but then Zeus chuckles. He had a bellowing loud laugh, and I nearly swore I could feel it vibrating the stone floor beneath my bare feet. 

Hades pauses but joins in the laughter as well, and for a second I could actually sense that they were brothers. I was stuck between amusement and bewilderment. 

"Father? Husband? What is going on?" 

Zeus turns to me and finishes his chuckling, but a smile remains. "You really are fighting for what you want, aren't you?" 

I awkwardly nod, still not used to his intimidating presence. He could still force me away from here and back to mother. 

"Feisty girl. You suit Hades, don't you?" 

Surprisingly, against all logic, I do. Somehow I adapt to him and his ways, and I find myself enjoying the taste of darkness now and again. Especially when it involves the darkness he resides in. 

"I sure hope she does." Hades appears smug, but proud of me as I stand there uncomfortably. My cheeks redden in a brilliantly colored blush.

"Hades here is claiming taking you a week early is only fair for never having his full six months in the first place," Zeus tells me. "What do you think, little one?"

"I think it'd only be fair if I were to stay for the entire year. Demeter got me back only a month after our marriage began, and she took my honeymoon from me for her own selfish want and used the mortals as the bait for me to return upon my own free will. I don't see how she should be rewarded for acting so unfairly." The words just spouted out of me in a rage of spite. It felt ever so good, but it wasn't like myself. I quickly bite my tongue as I see I am already becoming the Queen again. Even so, I shouldn't speak to Zeus in such a bold way. 

Zeus merely seems amused, and fondly surprised. "I'll heed your wishes and get back to you. As for now, you've earned yourself at least an extra week together." He nods his head. "I'll take my leave." 

Zeus makes his way to the exit of the Underworld that leads to the river of Styx. "Please tell me I don't have to buy passage on the way back as well." 

Hades scowls. "Fine, this one is on me." He tosses a coin to Zeus before he departs without another word. 

We watch him leave. I slowly approach Hades and wrap my arm around his elbow. "That went well?" I whisper. 

Hades peers down at me, a mischievous look in his eye. "Luckily for me, your mother doesn't have a lot of fans in Olympus."

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