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Two blissful weeks passed without a peep from my little flower on her thoughts on children. I didn't know whether or not to be relieved. It is an unavoidable conversation, and it will happen eventually - likely very shortly. 

Why not get it over with?

I sat alone in my study, taking advantage of Persephone's absence to think on this issue, and drown in my own pity for myself. She is tending to her garden of black and white roses. With her so close, they are even beginning to gain a splash of colour. A pale pink rose here and there. She prizes those the most as her own personal triumph. Roses where the sun doesn't even shine.

She nurtures them...She is a nurturer. 

"Oh, what in the Underworld do I do now? Adopt?" I groan to myself. I hear a soft knock on my door, and tense, hoping it isn't Persephone. I haven't the slightest clue what to say to her yet. 

"Come in?" I answer. A small figure comes through the door, but it is only Jasmine, one of her hand maidens. "My Lord? I couldn't help but hear you were troubling yourself with something. Anything I can do?" 

The poor little soul thinks she can help. Lucky for her, I do want to blab about my problems at least. 

"Only that the fates will never allow my happiness." I groan in annoyance. "I finally get the girl, but never the happy ending. Not the one she craves or deserves at least." 

Jasmine sighs in sympathy. "What particularly are you referring to, my Lord?" 

"Children," I reply simply, and coldly. "I was born to be alone. The fates have told me themselves I am never to have an heir." 

"You didn't used to have a wife in your destiny, but that changed. The fates changed their minds." Jasmine calmly reassures. 

"So that may be, but it isn't often they do change their minds. They were likely only sick of my grumbling and pitied me. Even I pitied myself. It was pathetic." I visibly cringed, thinking back to my miserable past, strutting around the Underworld as if I rather have it crumble down on me than keep living and judging souls with any other purpose or companionship.

I still haven't rid myself of the habit of speaking to myself. It's rather insane. 

"I'm a crazy imbecile to think they would give me anything more." I insist, while Jasmine remains quiet, but somehow still a comforting presence. 

I wave her off. "No need to watch me wallow in my sorrow. I'll figure it out eventually. Just another heart breaking truth I have to tell Persephone about, other than the fact she doesn't really realize how insane the years alone have made me." Jasmine softly smiles, taking it as a joke. "No, I'm serious," I growl. "I'm not even sure you're real sometimes. Now go on." I wave her off again to which she giggles and makes her way to the door. 

"I promise I'm real. I was a little orphan girl when I lived on Earth and you gave me a place here. I may have to work for you, but a regular afterlife wasn't nearly as appealing as listening to you talk to yourself day in and day out." She giggles, and closes the door behind her before I can scowl at her. A bold little girl that one is becoming. Perhaps Persephone has rubbed off on her. 


"My Queen!" Jasmine and Isabelle approach me excitedly. I stand up in my garden and wave to them cheerfully. "Hello, girls!"

"Would you like to join us for a walk?" They ask nearly in unison. They have clearly spent too much time working together over the years. It is as if they have become twins. 

"Uh, sure. I've finished up here anyways, but I was going to see Hades before-" 

"Oh, no, the King is very busy in his study. I wouldn't expect him to be done until sundown. He'll likely have a ton of judging to do as well. Lot of deaths today." They chime in quickly. 

I furrow my brow suspiciously at them but follow along. "A walk couldn't hurt before I check in with him. I've barely been seeing him at all except at night lately...I need to make sure things are okay between us." 

"Don't worry, they are fine. He is just a very busy man. I'm sure you understand." Isabelle hooks her arm with mine and so does Jasmine on my other side. I follow them down and out of the garden. "If you'd like. We can show you around a bit. Perhaps show you Cerberus?" Jasmine quickly adds before I can say anything. 

"Um, sure. I had thought Hades would be the one to introduce us, but I suppose that's alright." I lightly laugh, but in truth, I wish for him to show me his beloved hell hound first. Being near it without his protection would make me quite uncomfortable. 

"Good, good. My Queen, we've been meaning to talk to you about something that concerns the King." Jasmine says to me quietly. She by far is the most mellow of the two, but they are both unusually cheery. Especially together. 

"What...would that be?" I bite back my tongue. They were starting to irritate me. What matter about my husband would they think concerns them? Especially right now, when they're being so pushy all of a sudden.

"Hades does not like children." Isabelle quickly claims. "I wouldn't bring it up to him again." 

I pull my arms away from both of them. "Why would you two know anything about that?" 

Jasmine stutters. "W-we overheard Hades talking to himself about you wanting them..." 

"And it is a well-known fact that he doesn't get along with the annoying little things. Imbeciles! I believe he calls them." Isabelle quips. "We are merely concerned you might get your hopes up about having any with him." 

I quietly face them...I didn't expect Hades to hate the idea that much. I look down to my hands, nervously fidgeting as I attempt to accept this. 

"We just don't want your feelings to get hurt," Jasmine claims genuinely. I'm not sure if she is telling the truth, but she does seem to care...

A throat is cleared from behind us. "Ladies, be off." Hades approaches, and I nervously wonder what he had heard. 

"I thought you were busy-" I say, putting on a happy face as Isabelle and Jasmine quickly leave us alone. 

"Never too busy for you." He slightly smiles. "Here, I'll show you to Cerberus." 

So he did hear? Everything? 

"Now, what did they tell you?" He asks quietly, worry is evident on his voice. 

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