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*Zagreus, their future son pictured above*


"Really?" I gasp abruptly and run my hands through my hair. So soon? I can't believe it! 

"Yes." She beams, giggling nervously. 

My heart warms intensely, and I don't hesitate to grab her in my arms, holding the mother of my child to me as tightly as I can without possibly hurting her. "Are you sure? Are you really sure?" My face already hurts from grinning too widely. 

"I'm very sure. I've never felt so sick in my life." She groans in my chest, snuggling as close as she can. 

I lightly laugh and wipe a stray tear. "Well, I apologize for the inconvenience." 

"Oh, don't do that." She hugs me tighter. "I've also never felt so happy in my life either." 

"Possibly as happy as I'll be when we finally get to see the horrified look on your mother's face?" I tease, pulling back from her, holding her in front of me. I can't help but admire her now...she's given me the greatest gift. A gift almost greater than giving me herself. 

"Oh, that will be a joy." She rolls her eyes. "But, it'll be a funny reaction, I must admit." She stays quiet for a moment and looks away from me. "I suppose, we'll have to tell her soon. I have to go back for spring soon." 

I pull her back to me, resting my head on hers. "I can't believe the time has passed already..." 

She stays quiet, simply holding me in silence. That's all we can do, right? Stay in silence, and enjoy the moments we have before she's leaving me once again. 

*2 Weeks Later*


Today, I must return to my mother, and I will bring Spring with me, slowly melting the snow and returning flowers to their beautiful bloom.

Zeus recently announced to everyone in Olympus that I am to be expecting his child; a child that may inherit his throne in fact. Every God, even my mother are under the pretenses that Zeus seduced me in the form of a serpent, and thereafter impregnated me with his heir. 

To put it lightly, the public knowledge of the situation doesn't exactly please Hades, but our future son will have a better life this way. Imagine it? Our son sitting on a throne in Olympus? 

We've already decided on a name. Zagreus if it is a boy, and Melinoe if it is a girl. I'm equally excited for either, but a boy first seems fitting. Then, if we have a girl next, I'll raise her with Hades in the Underworld. She will become the Goddess of Ghosts and Nightmares - an unpleasant title, but she will be fierce like her father. I know it. And she will wield her title proudly. 

Hades made love to me last night for one last sweet time before I have to leave. I nearly cried, and held him close. "Next time you see me, it won't be long before I bring our child into the world." I had whispered into his ear. 

He had nodded contently but stayed silent. His anger for my ordeal with Thanatos and Sisyphus had faded but still lingered. Thankfully, the news of my pregnancy was enough of a distraction, and I'm sure my absence for the next six months will provide him with enough time to forgive me. We are a spiteful couple, loving each other passionately does sometimes lead to passionate disputes, but it feels as if it makes our bond stronger...somehow.

And now, we'll have a child. I still can't believe it. 

The morning of my departure, Hades helps me pack instead of ordering Isabelle and Jasmine to do so. He stays solemn, and so do I. Years and years from now, will I ever grow used to leaving him? I anticipate it will always feel this terrible, but we will grow to love from afar just as wholesomely as we would if we were always together. The heart grows fonder in each other's absence, after all. Does it not? 

"I'll visit you soon, just write to me." He murmurs, softly kissing my forehand ever so gently. 

I hear Hermes arrive to take me back, but he thankfully doesn't intrude and stays back as we say our farewells. 

"I love you with my entire heart and soul," Hades whispers into my ear, clearly holding back so that he does not get overly emotional in front of Hermes. "I will miss you every second." 

"I'll miss you more," I promise him. I stroke his scruffy chin playfully. "And I'll love you more, always and forever," I smirk, biting back my own tears. 

He kisses me, and we stay connected for quite a while, not wishing to physically part from one another. When we finally pull away Hades can no longer hide his tears, and neither can I. 

"I'll write you," I whisper, slowly letting go of his hand. I never expected it to be this hard. It wasn't last time...But we weren't truly in love back then. 

He watches me as I reach Hermes. I turn back before we leave, giving me a parting smile, a smile he tentatively returns. Just before we take flight, I grin playfully. "You should shave it off." I gesture to my own chin. 

He lets out a chuckle. "Never." But I know that he will the second I leave. 

I wipe my tears as Hermes and I finally exit the Underworld. 

"So, I hear you're expecting, are ya?" Hermes smirks. "Zeus' child?" 

I smile sideways and give him a wink. "That's what they say..." 

He pauses but then shakes his head as he begins to understand. "Ah, I see. Well, I'll be glad to meet him either way. No matter who his father is." 

"You better. Uncle Hermes." 

We stay silent for the rest of the trip as I remained thoughtful. I never could have imagined this life. It wasn't the type I had ever pictured for myself. An abducted bride, a wife, a Queen...and yet, it couldn't have been more perfect, and it will become even more perfect when I am also a mother. A mother of a child belonging to the man I love...

I can't help but smile to myself...I am so happy right now, I may even be pleased to see my mother. Nothing can ruin my mood at this moment, not even her...

I can already see her little cottage in the distance...the cottage where it all began. 

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