Blissfully Alone

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*Hades Throne Room Pictured Above*


"I do love this robe," I admit to Hades. Zeus had just left and we were blissfully alone again. He gives me a sly smile. "And the other things that I spoiled you with." 

I groan in playful annoyance. "I didn't even need to bring my old wardrobe at all. You spoil me too much." 

He shrugs. "Can you blame me? I had six months to kill. I could only find solace in reimagining your wardrobe, obviously." 

"How about doing your job? Judging souls and damning them to the terrible clutches of Tartarus? How about sending the odd hero to the beautiful Elysian Fields? That should have passed the time at least a little bit." I tease him. 

"Not really entertaining anymore." He insists. "It's only my job, after all. A tedious, necessary duty. Not any fun without you sitting beside me with your doe eyes lusting after me, I can assure you." 

"I don't think it's tedious. It's satisfying when mortals get the justice or rewards that they have spent their whole life earning." I tease him lightly. I was finally finding myself with the opportunity to truly enjoy being alone with him. There was still a lot I wanted to learn about him...not to mention things that I played through my head over and over during the last six months. Fooling around in the dead of night at the edge of a pond isn't quite the same. 

" satisfying. Most of all, justice against your mother." Hades winks. 

"Yes, she did get a taste of her own medicine. We may have only robbed her of a week without me-" Hades shushes me quietly but placing his index finger over top of my lips. 

"Such a punishment can be worse than death. You don't understand the urge to be around you, do you, my little Queen?" His eyes are filled with mischievous desire. A look which I cannot resist...and he knows it. 

In a matter of milliseconds, I am held in his arms. Not traditionally held bridal style, but I wrap my legs around his waist as I kiss him. His body against mine is the only thing that can relinquish this burning want. I dig my hands into his thick hair with such eagerness even he is shocked. 

He stumbles backwards until he is seated on his throne - of all things! He simply doesn't realize how far I want to go or else he would have taken me to the bedroom. 

He groans my name into my ear when I finally pull away. I fumble for his belt clumsily. He must think I'm adorable rather than sexy watching me struggle, but I don't care. I'm feeling rather bold and nothing is holding me back from him. Not when he's been proving more and more every day that he isn't like anyone I've ever dramatically and wonderfully different, I can't imagine being with anyone else. Not to mention so dramatically handsome and so admirably fearsome I can't picture another woman having the courage to even dare steal him from me; not without their knees knocking together. 

Just because of how he makes me feel, I've become so undeniably protective of him as mine, I would likely kill any woman who dared. 

Oh, how I have changed. I would never have even dared to think such a thing as the innocent maiden with ginger red hair tending a flower garden. I didn't even dream of a man back then, never mind one I would kill for. 

"You sure you want to do this here?" Hades teases me, but the look in his eye hints that he would be disappointed if I changed my mind and wanted to be taken to the bedroom. 

"Yes." I sigh breathlessly as I seat myself on his lap facing him. "This is the best place for a King and Queen, after all." His face is pressed to my bosom as I mount him, pushing him deep inside. It has been a while, but my need for him makes it effortless. He kisses my neck and grips my waist and I slowly begin to move on top of him. This is the first time for me doing this, but he already seems to like it. 

It is not long before his hands on my waist urge me to quicken the pace. It isn't long before he can't take it anymore and I'm panting on top of him. It had felt even better than ever. I had never felt this close to him. 

"Hades, I'm starting to think I want to have your baby." I giggle playfully. I hold him close and pretend not to notice when he stiffens. I assume I am moving too fast for him. I'm sure we'll talk about it sometime, but I really am starting to want it. 

It would make me so happy, and bring me needed fulfillment. I am a nurturer. If I am not tending to the flowers of Spring, then what am I to nurture the whole other six months of the year? 


The entire rest of the day I spend with Persephone. 

Unfortunately, as I neglected my duties the entire day to stay with her, I end up obligated to work late. I bid her goodnight before leaving her to sleep on her own. I hated to, but I will return later before she wakes. 

I return to my throne and give the go-ahead for the waiting souls to come forth. No matter how many times her words ring in my head I cannot let it affect my work. 

And I don't, but the second I walk out of here it will continue to worry me. 

She wants to bear my children? Is that truly what she wants? 

I had never even conceived such a possibility before in my life, but now it is becoming a reality. I absolutely hate myself for never bringing it up before she fell for me or I fell even harder for her. It would have been easier that way. 

I am not fated to have children. It just isn't in the cards. 

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