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Ares laughs loudly, the large bellow physically making me jump in surprise. To my disappointment he leaves the boat to approach my husband. 

I watched Ares closely, curiously wondering if he was still angry or amused. 

It appeared to be amusement...for most part that is. 

"What are you doing here, Ares?" Hades repeats. He gaze meets mine briefly. I open my mouth to respond, but he shakes his head before I can stutter out my pleas. 

I've disappointed him again...

I turn away and sit quietly in my throne as they speak, thankfully close enough to overhear the conversation perfectly. 

"It appears some mischief occurred while you abandoned the Underworld." Ares smirks, clearly trying to get a rise out of Hades. 

"The Underworld is never abandoned." His accusation clearly didn't affect Hades. He stood strongly, responding with admirable calm and coolness. "Even when I am not here, there is always Cerberus guarding the gates, as well as the River of Styx to cross. How could there possibly be any mischief going on that I didn't know about?" 

"Well, clearly someone found there way in. Persephone admitted she did not keep a close eye on things." Ares turns coldly towards me. 

"And what things are you speaking of?" Hades replies sternly. 

"Thanatos. Don't tell me you were foolish enough to not notice he wasn't doing his duty?" 

Hades pauses thoughtfully. "Of course I noticed." 

"And you didn't do anything about it?"  Ares scoffs. 

Hades shrugs. "Seems like you already took care of it for me. What was occupying the buffoon?"

Ares grumbles absentmindedly. "The idiot was tied up. Clearly this had to have been an inside job. Only a God or Goddess could possibly have the wits to tie up the bastard." He turns to me menacingly. "Perhaps, your pretty little Queen had something to do with it. She already appeared to be expecting me...already waiting for me at the gates the moment I arrived to settle this."

I frown immediately. Do I continue being clueless, or fess up? My heart thumped hard in my chest as Hades turns to me, still deep in thought. Panic erupted within me as I saw the suspicion in his expression. 

"Persephone does not even know where Thanatos is." He finally concludes. I try to contain my obvious relief that he chose to defend me. 

"Yes, she does. She showed me to his lair immediately upon my arrival." Ares chuckles, clearly amused. He didn't even question for a second whether or not he should rat me out. "I suspect she already knew exactly what had happened to him." It was clear the God enjoyed igniting fights. I should have known he wouldn't go peacefully. He isn't one for peace. 

I grit my teeth, absolutely done with his bad intended words. "I will not stand by and watch you bad mouth me in my own Kingdom. Now go off and settle what you started, where you belong!" I stalk towards him furiously. "Be off, you meddling imbecile!" Without thinking, I slap Ares across the cheek to finish off the insult. 

He stands still for a second, his cheek turned away from me. He eventually laughs, but offers no retort. "Just get to the bottom of this Hades. Neither of us can stand for this to happen again." He says sternly as he boards the boat. 

I stand, shocked at myself for my recent, bold and unexpected outburst. As soon as I catch up to my senses, I turn to Hades to see his reaction. 

He remains surprisingly calm, and curiously waits for me to speak. 

"I-Isabelle and Jasmine told me where he was-" I begin...looking away in defeat. I simply don't have the words to describe what has been going on.  

"And?" He encourages. 

"And, Ares came storming in...saying Thanatos had to be taken care of. I knew you were in your study and didn't want to disturb you -" I plea. 

"Get me next time, Persephone." He simply replies. 

I nod, as he pulls me into a hug. "I'll never be too busy if someone like that shows up, or if something happens. You can always tell me." 

I shiver and cuddle closer into his arms. "I should probably tell you something then..." 

He pulls back. "What is it?" 

"I did know about Thanatos." I whisper. 


"What do you mean? How could you have known?" 

My little flower blushes, pulling away from me nervously. "I went and saw the Fates...and they told me everything about the conditions of having children...and while I was there, Thanatos was tied up - not by me, but I didn't say anything as I was worried you'd be angry with me for venturing there in the first place." Her face drooped, and she looks to the ground. "I should have stayed out of it." 

I sigh deeply, pulling her back to me. "Yes, you should have..." 

"I just wanted to make you happy, change the Fate's minds." She whimpers. 

I can't help but smile to myself. "Of course, you did, sweetness. That is your way." 

"I didn't know that you had already beat me to it." She giggles into my chest. 

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? I hated to see you disappointed...I know children is something you need." I murmur into her soft strawberry hair. 

She grasps her hands tightly around my waist, looking up to me with an adorable smile. "Thank you." 

Taking her lead, I kiss her softly, not technically intending to do more. 

Persephone clearly has other ideas, tugging me down to her height by my collar. The kiss deepens instantly, a small moan escaping her lips. 

I firmly pull her hips impossibly close to mine, startling her. She lightly nips my bottom lip teasingly, as her eyes meet mine mischievously.  

My hands quickly slide beneath her bottom, tugging her up off the ground. Her legs wind around my hips instantly. "Is this what you want?" I growl playfully.

She bites her lip. "Does this mean you forgive me?" 

"I suppose so...." I trail off as I press soft kisses to the side of her neck. "...But a little bribe on your part will help me forget it entirely." 

She smiles confidently, slipping her legs off of my hips so that she now stands on her own. Ever so slowly she trails her fingers down my chest, and across my abdomen. She meets my eye as her hands threaten to go lower. 

"I think that can be arranged.

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