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I wait anxiously for my husband's return just as he left me. When I see him returning back across the river, my heart skips...and as he leaves the boat and makes his way back to me I can't help but allow the butterflies in my stomach to roam free - both from simply being in his presence and also in the anticipation of what he will say next. 

"Sweetness." He calls to me softly. 

"Husband? How did the meeting with Zeus go?" I call, carefully choosing my words. I wouldn't want him to suspect I already knew all about the nature of his meeting...For now, I've come to the consensus that my acquaintence with the Fates must remain completely secret from him-if such a thing is possible!

He grins boyishly as he reaches me. "Sephie, I have news."

"Sephie? That's a new one." I blush deeply as he embraces me.

"What? I'm switching it up." He chuckles into my hair. "But I have news. Good news."

The butterflies in my stomach go wild, fluttering, dipping and diving until I squeal with excitement. Hades gives me a funny look, but I couldn't care less. "Okay, what is it?"

"We can have a child." He grips me tight. I smile unbelievably wide before burying my face in his shoulder.

"My gosh, Hades, that's wonderful! How is this possible?" I gush happily.

"The Fates were willing to make an exception...but there are rules." He continues. I listen to him repeat everything the Fates already told me, wide-eyed and hopeful all the way through. He is too preoccupied explaining to notice my lack of surprise.

After he's finished, all I can do is hug him, trying my hardest not to let the dread overtake the joy. Joy that I can start the family I want so dearly...and dread that I may have to face and free Thanatos on my own.

I could tell Hades, admit my lie and mistake so that he can free him...but I, unfortunately, don't know him well enough to predict how angry he will be with me...I saw how angry he was at the possibility that I went off on my own to somewhere moderately dangerous.

How would he react finding out I strayed to the lair of Thanatos and put my life in danger, lied about it, and had my handmaidens also lie on my behalf?

He starts speaking again, startling me from my dreadful thoughts. "You have to tell me something though, Sephie."

My eyes widened in worry. "Tell you w-what?"

"Is that something you would want to do soon?" He whispers.

I stare at him blankly.

"Have children, sweetness."

"Oh...oh! Sorry, I spaced out for a second there." I blurt. He waits patiently as thoughts flew at a rapid speed through my mind. I know two things: I have been aching for something to nurture, but a son or daughter something that I'm ready for so soon? So young?

Maybe, I had dove into something too quickly without thinking. I'm a darn fool...what was I thinking? Now I have Thanatos to deal with too.

"I-I need time to think," I conclude, backpedalling towards the hallway that led to my bedroom.

"Everything okay?" Hades inquires, worry streaking his face.

"Of course. I need rest and time alone. I'll see you later at dinner." I walk away then, making a beeline for my bedroom.

I can't possibly decide on how soon to have children this second until I have figured out a way deal with the pesky bringer of death.


I shake my head, appalled by the Queen's sudden departure, but ultimately decide to go back to my work.

I've only managed to sit down in my office for barely a second before someone is rapping at my door.

"What??" I groan.

"It's Hermes-" Isabelle's girlish voice calls. I cringe. Enough time has not passed for me to deal with the sight of her.

"Fine, fine. Tell him I will be with him shortly. Now go back to sewing." I reply quickly. I throw open the door after listening to her retreating footsteps.

Hermes waited anxiously in my throne room. "Two emergencies in one day?? Hermes, you're killing me." I mumble immediately at the sight of him.

"My Lord, the Queen has called for my assistance." He simply responds.

I freeze, containing my sudden jealously that she would call for him...I knew she was more upset than she let on. Now she was calling on the other closest God to her, one that has been in her life much longer than I.

A small pang strikes my heart as I simply nod and allow him to pass.

She would trust him more than I?


I let Hermes in quickly, shutting the door tight behind him.

"What's going on? I thought Hades was going to burn me alive with a flick of his wrist." Hermes quips.

"I need your help. He's acting like that because he knows I'm hiding it from him." I hiss.

"What? Are you thinking of leaving him?" Hermes quickly interjects.

I scoff and hit him on the shoulder. "No!"

Hermes winces. "What else am I to assume if you are hiding something from him and only telling me? I can get you out of here easily-"

I roll my eyes. "He'll be angry if I tell him and ask for his help. I put myself in unspeakable danger and then lied about it like an idiot."

Hermes nods, listening while only slightly amused.

"And since you are like a brother to me, and know all the Gods, I figured you may know who could help." I tell him.

Hermes sighs but nods. "Since you're pulling the brother card..." He suddenly furrows his brow. "Hold on, what have you done?"

"I may have to find a way to release Thanatos....because he's currently tied up and no one else knows about it." I cringe, waiting for his reaction.

Hermes sighs in exasperation. "Dammit, Persephone, your husband is going to be one of the first people to notice there are fewer people dying! If any! There will still be some from old age and sickness, which are the ones I carry to the Underworld entrance, but Thanatos handles all the tragic, sudden deaths-" He trails, off suddenly appearing hopeful. "Which means there will be someone else who will notice maybe even before Hades! In fact, he will be damned pissed. So pissed, he will release him himself without question."

My eyes widen. "Who?"

"Ares. The God of war. I'm sure he's already noticed no one has died at war."

"It hasn't even been a day."

"Doesn't matter." Hermes chuckles. "He'll have noticed."

Hades and Persephone Where stories live. Discover now