The Pond

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I curled up in my bed beneath the heavy blankets. It wasn't yet time, but the anticipation is killing me slowly. 

What if he doesn't come? What if he doesn't want to risk it? 

Oh, please. He will. You saw how he looked at you. 

I smile to myself as I listen to my mother's footsteps enter her own bedroom. As the door closes I creep out of my own bed, fully dressed in vibrant red. I had gone against my mother's wishes and made it for myself. I struggled, but I also had some help from some of my friends to create the visual masterpiece: a red, summer dress. 

It flows around me just right, and I give it a little twirl before I head to my mirror. I unravel my hair from it's up due, until it cascades down my shoulders all the way down nearly my entire back. Finally, some things I can show off. He can only see me in the dim light of the moonlight, but that is enough. That is all we need. We can leave the rest that we cannot see to the imagination. 

I put on a small black cloak to keep me warm before exiting out of my bedroom window. I hope he understood the location. I used to play by the calm pond most of my childhood. If he knew anything about my past and how I grew up (as I secretly suspected) he would definitely know this little sweet spot. 

I tiptoed through the meadow until I was out of sight of the little cottage. Then I began to run at an impossible pace, not stumbling for a moment as I skimmed past the forest to the small pond that waited for me. 

The night was silent except for the light buzzing of the fireflies that floated over-top of the body of water...but still, I do not hear the footsteps of my beloved. 

He might have not arrived yet. Simple at that...

I sat quietly at the edge, dipping my toes into the smooth water as I peered across to the other side. I nearly begin to sing absentmindedly to myself before I spot the darkened figure across from me. He is on the wrong side, peering at me curiously. It is a shame it is too dark to see his expression. 

I pull my feet out of the water and approach him, slowly circling the edge of the pond before his expression finally came into view. A sly smile, of course. The kind of smile that made me blush apple red. I quicken my pace and finally throw myself into his arms. 

"Such a handsome get-up you've brought yourself in." I giggle into his ear. He was handsomely dressed, that was true. He dressed all in black, a black cloak covering it all. His hair was neat and tidy just for me as well. It wasn't hard to notice. 

"And you match me, sweetness." He chuckles. "The cloak suits you." 

"Well, we are King and Queen of the Underworld. We better match." I keep my arms tightly wrapped around his neck as I dare to plant a kiss along his jaw. 

He smiles, only to take me by the lips. "I think you missed." 

"I have terrible, terrible aim, Hades. It's actually quite tragic." I kiss alongside the corner of his lips. He grins, but only kisses me wordlessly from there, quietly pulling me down into his lap as he does so. 

His sweet, gentle touch was all that I ached for all this time. 

"Where have you been all my life?" He whispers softly. "Why did you take so long to appear in my life?" 

"I wish I could tell you." I pull him back to me. I've enough chit chat for now. "How long can you stay?" 

"Long enough." He promises, nuzzling into my neck.

I blushed one final time as he abruptly pulled me beneath me in one hell of a reunion.


My sweet cuddles up to my naked chest as we gaze across the pond. I had already informed her after making love that I would have to leave soon. The sun will be up before we know it. Apollo is never late for his job after all, and I'd hate to risk her being out of her home and vulnerable again while he passes overhead. 

"How did you find the pond?" She murmurs. 

"I knew of it, always." I admit. She sighs in content as I trace my fingers down her back. 

"I thought you would. I used to play here nearly every day." She sat up to lean against my shoulder.

"This was the first place I saw you since I had seen you as an infant," I add, slightly embarrassed of my stalkerish past. 

"Oh, really?" Her tone hinted that she was clearly not surprised.

"You were a cute kid. I could tell you would be beautiful." I chuckle, my head now resting on the to of her head. "I could tell you loved it here back then..."I trail off, guiltily thinking of all the happiness I have already taken from her. She could have blissfully lived like that forever if I had stepped in. 

"Oh, stop. Another man would have taken me away either way. Probably Apollo would have kidnapped me if you had not, and I surprisingly prefer the darkness than the blinding sun. That chariot ride was not pleasant whatsoever. I thought a goddess was never supposed to fear for her life." She giggles adorably but eventually turns serious. "I was never meant for some ignorant, maiden life as my mother wanted. All she yearned for me to do was play in the pond with all my nymph friends and help her sprout flowers for all eternity. Trust me, that is no way to live. Not to me." She smiles up at me, caressing my jaw with her tiny hands. 

"You could have still been happy if you had not known of any other way to live." I gently insist.

She merely rolls her eyes. "I would have always craved adventure, Hades. I would have run off into the night foolishly at some point. I am thankful I could at least do that with you now." She winks flirtatiously. "You protect me, and eventually we can have adventures together. I just know it." 

I hug her close as I watch a wink of light appear over the horizon. I sigh sadly as her grip on me tightens. "Write to me, love, and perhaps we can plan to meet again...but no running off to get my attention. Write, and be patient." I advise her, pulling her to her feet. 

She silently dresses, the dread clearly written on her face. "I'd hate to go home." 

"You can always take another chariot ride." I offer sarcastically. 

"No, thanks." She scoffs with a smirk. Once her pretty red dress was dawned back upon her she pulled me back for one last kiss. 

As she gracefully made her way to the other side of the pond my heart began to ache already. I chose to simply watch until she was gone. Turning my back and leaving wouldn't be possible if she was still in sight. 

To my surprise, she turns once more and I nearly expect her to run back and protest, but instead, she doesn't. She knows it would be childish, and she knows what is to be expected of her as a woman now. 

"I do so adore this pond." She calls out to me with a grin. "But, if it would mean I could permanently stay with you and I would scarcely never come here again..." She continues. "I would still gladly give it up for you." 

My heart soared at her words. 

"Because I adore you even more." 

Hades and Persephone Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora