Starry Night

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After judging the last soul, I grab something to eat on my way to bed. I knew my little flower was already waiting anxiously for me long enough, and I had missed her so. 

A lamp was lit by the bed, and Persephone laid in bed reading, clearly waiting up for me. As I step in the door, her eyes brighten and she looks up to greet me. "Hades..." She breaths happily. 

I notice her hair immediately. Once down to her bottom, now it hung just above her shoulders, showing off her delicate shoulders. "What do you think?" She asks as I stood in stunned silence. She twirls the hair around her finger teasingly. "I needed a change, so I hope you like it." 

I let out a breathy sigh. "Of course I do, sweetness." I tug off my shirt to get comfortable, a wolf grin plastered on my face as I lean on the bed with my knee. I crawl towards her slowly, taking in her beauty until I'm finally close enough to kiss her. I run my hands through her smooth hair. 

"What beauty." I murmur, kissing down her jaw. "I almost want to take you right back up there." I continue, and I meant it. 

"What's stopping you? Who says we can't right under the stars?" She whispers back sensually, her voice coated with lust. 

"True." I abruptly throw my giggling wife over my shoulder and do exactly that. Taking her out of the room in front of all the cleaning servants was quite the sight and a memorable one at that.

And I couldn't care less about what any of them think. I have the Queen I've always needed all this time, and nothing is going to make me bashful about showing every single soul here how much I adore her. 


Hades surprised me so. 

It wasn't long before we were off the boat and Charon was bidding us farewell. The man was clearly confused at our sudden midnight trip above, but neither of us cared. He can wonder as much as he likes. 

Right-back in the meadow, Hades lays me on the ground, ravaging my senses immediately. Dressed only in my robe and undergarments, it wasn't difficult for him to gain access to my skin. His rough hands caress my waist, running his fingers across me softly as he kisses me on the mouth ever so delicately. 

"I love you." He whispers into my neck. I don't have time to respond verbally before he slides his fingers along me vulnerably between my legs. I gasp in pleased surprise as he strokes me sweetly, and I relish in it. I can feel it. I know how much he loves me, as he is speaking to me with his body just as strongly as if he were professing his love aloud over and over.

He really didn't have to say anything at all from there. I could feel it all as clear as day. 

He wants me, he needs me. He needs me now and forever, just as much as I need him...and even beyond that: he wants us to have a baby as well. 

Finally, he pulls my clothes away from me, and himself, exposing both of us to each other. I rise up to meet him as he slowly pushes himself inside of me, grasping my back to him as he does so.

I hiss his name into his ear to encourage him as he thrusts in and out just as sweetly. Then, just when he begins to hit me just right, he pumps faster, causing us both to groan in panicked pleasure. 

"Oh, please." I gasp against his jaw as he leans over me. 

He chuckles deeply. "Please what?" He pushes into me harder and faster, and I moan desperately, wrapping my legs around him tightly as he keeps up the pace. 

I dig my hands into his back as I finally let out a long sigh of pleasure. My body tightened itself around his as I felt him release as well. 

He pauses a moment, both of us breathing deeply and holding onto each other before he finally rolls off of me. We both smile, catching our breath still. I reach for his hand without thinking, and he grabs it within his. I can't help but snuggle close to him, both of us falling asleep without a care in the world. 

Though, I know Hades will continue to worry about Cerberus until he is returned, I know that I couldn't have served as a better distraction. It warms my heart just thinking about making him happy. 

During our nap, dreams of my future child came to me...and his name was Zagreus, the son I soon hope to have...but also the son that would be known to the world as the son of Zeus and away from his true father. 

I had hoped this wouldn't terrorize me, and it would simply bring me joy to have a child...but a child that I cannot even proudly bear as my husband's? 

I awoke after tossing and turning to find Hades staring down at me with worry. "A nightmare?" He quietly inquires. 

I nod tentatively. "Yes...Let's just head home to bed, alright?" 

He agrees, and we both dress while I ponder on my mixed feelings. For a second, I wish for a different marriage, one where I can have children without hassle, and without having to tell the whole world a lie so that your child is respected and not feared as the son of Hades...But, as Hades looks to me with concern through our whole trip home, I know that I still wouldn't trade this arrangement for the world. 

Why would I do that, when I feel like I already have it? 

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