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"Oh, um..." Part of me wanted to deny they didn't say anything at all. Nothing concerning. I have to consider that they could have been lying or possibly mistaken. Perhaps, that used to be his opinion, but being with me may have changed his mind. That has to be a possibility...Otherwise, I just can't conceive any way that Hades would refuse to have children with me.

"Go on." He murmurs, insistently. 

"They told me not to bring up a certain topic to you." I decide on a vague answer, hoping he would let it slide. "Now, I'd love to meet Cerberus!" I start walking forward in the direction Isabelle and Jasmine had begun to lead me, but he gently grabs my elbow to hold me back. 

I look back at him and notice his face had become even paler. "What topic would that be?" 

I observe his reaction and hope to Zeus he will not be angry. "Children," I answer neutrally as I can muster, but a small crack in my voice gives my feelings on the matter away. 

"Children." He repeats, still not letting go of my arm. "And is that all they said? Just not to mention it?" He waits without moving for my answer. 

"No, of course, that is not all they said." I huff, tugging my arm away. "Now, let's go see Cerberus while I think about things. I don't even know what to say yet." I turn away, my back facing him. He makes no movement but voices his agreement to go along with seeing his precious hell hound. He could love a hell hound, but not his own children, clearly. 

I tried to put a pin in my anger as we walked down the dark, narrow, secluded hallway, but my steps grew heavier and heavier as we went, until I was practically stomping. He didn't acknowledge it and didn't dare to look at me. 

Is he ashamed of how much he hates children? Or does he despise me for not feeling the same way? Is there something else that he is hiding? 

"Follow me, he's at the gates of the Underworld." Was all he said as we made our long journey there through many twists and turns. I would never have been able to find my way without Hades guiding me. I'm surprised Isabelle and Jasmine would have ever found their way either. Perhaps they were lying about that too. 

As soon as I saw the beast I sharply inhaled in shock. You can describe the beast to anyone all you want, but it would never be compared to beholding it with your own eyes. I had no doubt that it would stop any stray soul trying to escape the Underworld. 

"Oh, Lord." I grip his bicep tightly with both my hands as I hide behind him. "You'll grow used to him eventually. He needs to know you as my equal, and he won't see you as that as long as you're quivering behind me." Hades chuckles. It was good to hear that sound after such a silent, tense walk. 

I have to agree, so I step out from behind him. "What should I do?" I ask, my voice shaking. He pulls me forward with his hand as I see the beast spot us. Against my instincts, I follow Hades towards Cerberus. Its three, giant heads peer down at us. It does not attack, it simply moves forward slowly. It is was obvious it recognized Hades immediately, as it submitted and laid down in front of us. Hades takes my hand in his and pulls me down with him as he softly touches the top of one of its heads. 

The beast doesn't move. Neither do I. Hades looks to me and slowly pulls his hand away, leaving my alone on top of the beast. A loud rumble came from the beast's giant chest as it opened its black eyes and gaze up at me. "He likes you." Hades quietly whispers. 

I pull my hand away slowly and sigh with happy relief. "Well, that's good. Now what?" 

"We leave him to his duty." Hades answers simply. "He doesn't like socializing very much so I keep my visits short usually. We should leave." 

I nod in agreement, backing away from the beast as it stands once again, its serpent tail waving high in the air. "He's absolutely miraculous," I mutter to myself in awe. I hear Hades chuckle. "I'm not used to showing him off, but yes, he is one of a kind." 

I grin from ear to ear as we make our leave. He truly is the most unique thing I had ever encountered. 


As we make our way back through the halls Persephone begins talking again, as I stay quiet and listen. I still do not know how to explain things to her about what Jasmine and Isabelle said...I will have to have a serious chat with them later. They have to have completely lost their bearings if they think they aren't treading in dangerous waters. Talking to the Queen behind my back about such a sensitive topic....blasphemy. 

"I never thought any creature could be so humongous...or so unique. People have spoken about him, but of course, not many have actually seen him. He puts my imagination to shame." Persephone gushes once more. 

"Wow, is my hound going to steal my girl from me?" I challenge her. She shuts up then, only scoffing. "Oh, stop. It's nothing like that." 

I shrug. "Well..." I debate on whether or not to just go ahead and start the conversation myself, but she beats me to it. 

"You know, it wouldn't be so bad." She frowns angrily, suddenly pausing in her steps.

I pause as well, slightly frustrated immediately, but mostly confused. "What wouldn't be?" I hate myself for raising my voice, but I couldn't help it. 

"Having children." She spits out. She turns away quickly to hide her tears, but I can tell even from behind that she is unspeakably upset. My heart instantly feels like it is being wrenched in two. I can't let her go on thinking that I don't want it, but the truth is just as disappointing.

"Sh, sh." I approach her comfortingly. "Jasmine and Isabelle lied to you...I think to cover up the truth of the situation." I sigh. She lets me hug her from behind as she cries silently. 

It is a while before she speaks. "Then what is the truth?" 

"I can't have children. The fates have decided so. The Underworld is no place to raise children anyways..." 

She pauses and then brushes away her tears before turning to face me. I thought she would be the spitting image of disappointment and despair for her loss, but she is surprisingly concerned for me and me alone. "But-but that isn't fair for you to not have that choice!" She protests. She holds the sides of my face in her gentle hands. 

I let out a shaky breath, and she quickly hugs me tight. "Oh, Hades. We will find a way...if you want to." 

For a second I show weakness and bury my head in the crook of her neck. "Yes, I want to. With you." 

Hades and Persephone Where stories live. Discover now