Absence of Death

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I seat myself in the judgement room, absolutely bewildered at what awaited me. 

Old age, disease, childbirth. All the boring kind of deaths that have no tale behind them. Soul after soul more tedious than the last. 

Almost drowning in said boredom, I peered at the line in front of me, suspiciously already able to see the end of it. Hours and hours ahead of schedule, am I? 

I shake my head in confused wonder. What in the world is going on above ground?

"Who brought you here today?" I ask the next soul. 


"And how did you die?" I peer down at the puny little man. My best guess is starvation, if his frail build is any indication. 

"I'm not sure...my heart just stopped." He whimpers sadly, avoiding my gaze. "I know I haven't lived the best life, but would you take pity on me? I've suffered already for the most part of my life, and lived as honestly as I could with the means that I had." 

"You're a common thief." I murmur to myself, still distracted by the incredibly short line behind him. It was incredibly obvious. Absolutely foolish he would think I wouldn't have suspected otherwise.

"I only did what I had to, and only then." He sighs, barely audible. 

I dismiss him. "Fine, you won't be severely punished for it, but answer me this...How is the war? Do you know?" 

"Oh, of course, everyone knows." The man chuckles. "First war I've ever heard of that didn't have one soul perish. Absolutely miraculous-" 

I cut him off and wave for him to move on. What in the world does Thanatos think he's doing?? Impatiently I fly through the remainder of the souls, all claiming to have been brought over and delivered to the gates of the Underworld by Hermes. Each soul that approaches is more and more fearful of my reddening face as I ponder on Thanatos' punishment. 

Thanatos will regret this.


I await Ares at the gates of the Underworld. 

Charon had been surprised to see me, but I calmly explained I was paying a quick visit above to soak in a little sunshine while Hades worked. That would be a slight perk, but truly, I need to make sure Ares doesn't pass by those gates without passing by me first. I don't need him questioning Hades before I speak with him beforehand. 

I convince myself it is better this way. If I allow Ares into the Underworld and grant him access to Thanatos' lair peacefully without my husband's involvement, it will avoid a whole lot of unnecessary confrontation. 

And once this is over with,  I can speak to Hades about a future family. My cheeks flush with excitement just thinking about it, but I also want to be ready to be a mother first. I still feel so childish...Certainly not ready to raise a child right this second. 

I nearly fall asleep waiting, but eventually I hear foreign, angry thundering footsteps approach the gates. "Hades!" The voice calls threateningly. "Thanatos! What is the meaning of this?" 

I try to stand, waiting for him to see me, but instead find my knees knocking together. Hermes had warned me of Ares' likely anger, but I didn't suspect he'd already be yelling my husband's name as if he were uttering a battle cry. 

"Ares!" I call, my voice shaking. "Can I be of some assistance?" 

His head whips in my direction and promptly thunders toward me. He only removes his hefty helmet once standing directly in front of me. "My lady?" He gruffly mumbles. "Where is Hades, the God of the Underworld." 

"Well...h-he's in the Underworld. You're not quite there yet." I stutter. 

He smirks. "Very observant. Take me to him." 

I quickly escorted him to the boat, rambling in the meantime. "May I ask what has brought you down here to see my husband?" 

He turns to me, clenching his jaw. "I suspect your husband has tied up Thanatos for who knows what reason. Likely just to piss me off." He growls. 

"I can assure you it wasn't him...if that's the case. I c-can take you to Thanatos' lair if you wish to see for yourself." I offer hesitatingly. 

"How would you know he didn't tie him up?" He accuses. "That man is starting a war with that wrong, man." He growls, once more. 

I shrink back as we board the boat. Charon stays quiet as I pass him payment for the passage. "Hades was not even present in the Underworld yesterday. There is no way he could have done it. It is more likely something else found its way through the cracks and slipped by without me noticing. I am hardly used to holding down the Underworld without him." I tell him. I managed to have enough confidence in my voice for him to leave me be. 

"Just take me to where I can find Thanatos." He grumbles. 

I nod enthusiastically, inwardly hoping he will just release him and leave. 

I take Ares into the front room and motion for Isabelle and Jasmine immediately. "Where is Hades?" I hiss into both of their ears. 

"In his study. He has already finished judging the souls for the day." 

I wave them off. "Make sure he stays there. Tell him I am prepping a surprise for him and will be there shortly." 

Isabelle's eyes widen with worry, but she obliges. Both of them scatter down the hallway towards his study without another word. 

"Follow me." I lead Ares towards the judgement room, still anxious to magically see Hades appear in his throne there, but am relieved to see the entire room barren. 

Down the terribly familiar hallway, I take Ares to the end and motion to the darkness. "He lurks within there," I assure him. He simply nods and makes his way in, his footsteps thundering the entire way. 

I listen carefully as I hear the two connect with each other. "You bastard! How could you have allowed yourself to be tied up?" Ares growls. I hear Thanatos thrown to the ground as the chains are tossed beside him.  Ares returns within moments, and struts past me without acknowledgement. 

"Anything else I can help you with?" I call behind him. He grumbles under his breath in response. Something about "finishing what he started." 

"Excellent." I murmur as I watch him leave. 

He enters the throne room and makes his way to the dock where Charon had waited for him. 

I wave him off as he boards the boat but am abruptly interrupted as a confused voice calls out to Ares. 

"Ares, what is the meaning of this?" 

I inhale sharply as I turn towards my husband. 

Hades and Persephone Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz