The Dress

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"She's blood-spitting mad still isn't she?" I ask the handmaidens in the morning. The wedding I had once joyfully planned is supposed to be tonight. When I tried to tell her that again last night...let's just say, her reaction was explosive.

"She's confused and scared. She'll gain her senses and realize the situation soon enough, master." One of the girls say to soothe me. I am somewhat comforted by this, but know realistically that things will never be restored to what I would like them to be.

"She will warm up to you again, but right now she is frightened." Repeated the other. "Do you not remember how it feels to be frightened or nervous?" She inquires. "Fear, no." I answer sternly with a smirk. "Nervous...yes, especially when I first arrived here all those years ago...most of all when I talked with her for the first time in that meadow. That's the same feeling I feel right now." The handmaiden smiles at me. We will prepare a magnificent outfit for you for tonight, Master. You can't feel jittery in the style we will we dress you up in."

"The dress is more important." I insist, waving them off. "I have work to do." I exit the bedroom and the ladies depart for Persephone's room. "Make sure she is happy with it." I call after them.

Throughout the day I'm absent-minded. There's nothing to think of besides Persephone. Why does she hate me at first glance? Why does she not wish to accept me all of a sudden? What other match may there have been for her up there with the polygamist mongrels that call themselves Gods? Apollo, really? They have no honor, not even her father has honor for his wife nor respect, and that is how she even came to be born. I know Persephone can understand that I am different than men like her father. I have no interest in other women. I will only ever have eyes for one...the effect is permanent, like an arrow in my heart.


The two handmaidens, who I learn to be Isabella and Jasmine, help wash my face and feet and brush my hair. It felt nice to be pampered for once, but I do not forget why I am here. "Must I really marry him so quickly?" I sob. The shade girls have been listening so attentively, I almost forgot they work for him...

"He would be a good husband...he will be."  Isabella insists. "Trust me you do not want a husband from up there. They aren't all so decent. Do you wish to have a monogamous husband? Hades is one of the only ones you'll find. Especially with his own Kingdom to offer you. You will be a Queen!"

I frown. "How can you be so sure?" "We've worked for him for ages. We haven't seen him have a spark of interest in a woman or Goddess or nymph. He has never wanted anyone."

"What's changed now?" I huff. "Why, out of the blue, does he have to ask for my hand from my father? What is it about me?"

The shades shrug their shoulders. "Hades has been waiting for you. He's known you since you were a baby. It is as if it wasn't even his choice. It was fated from the moment he met you. Most are not so decent up there. Imbeciles, he calls them all."

"I must not be the only decent Goddess up there." I scoff.

The shades ignore my complaints and simply ask how I wish to have the dress. "Nonexistent." I mumble, stubbornly.

One of the shades giggles, while the other merely smiled. "Nudity is meant for the wedding night, not the wedding, mistress." I gag involuntarily. "Please do not mention that." The shade with the auburn hair shrugs. " It is inevitable, mistress. Besides, Hades will be a good lover to you. Plus, he would never take you unwillingly."

"Looks like I'll be a virgin my whole life then." I groan.

"Silk dress, mistress?" The blonde one, Isabella asks. I shake my head. "Lace. I want it to be as tight as possible and to cover every inch of me with no apparent way to remove it. It will be impossible to take off and perhaps he'll give up."

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