I Feel The Same Way

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I gulp loudly as Hades tenses. "You've met previously?" His dark, dreary eyes glance sideways towards me in utter disappointment. As humiliation wafted over me, I can already feel the overwhelming, terrible regret cover me. The feeling is suffocating...I have never felt so disheartened before in my life. We may have patched things up previously...but he genuinely seems furious this time.

"Thanatos, I take it our dear Sysphius is finally meeting his untimely ending?" Hades continues after a tense moment of silence.

"Yes, my Lord-" Thanatos begins to answer but is swiftly interrupted.

"I would have to disagree." Sysiphus smirks. "I dare say I didn't exactly depart fairly upon my death, and that is a human right. I would have to argue even I deserve to leave on proper terms, including a proper burial."

I nearly scoff at the man's logic but am surprised to see my husbands hesitation. He really is falling for this crap? Or, is the traditional burial that important in order to move on into the Underworld? I am the Queen. I should know this...

Hades begins to leave the room, motioning for the death bringer and the mortal to follow. "Let's discuss this further in the judgment room as intended."

My heart falls as I realize he intentionally left without even a parting glance, nor any indication of his forgiveness or his reaction whatsoever. I will have to wait in painful suspense until he's finished his business.

How have I been this stupid? I'm no better than all the other people up there. I'm merely the product of multiple imbeciles. The very ones Hades despises.

Nervously I returned to my gardens and tended to them absentmindedly. I had to occupy myself, but I still found my mind wandering back to my current issue at hand: my husband's inevitable fury that I had known every detail of what went on with both Thanatos and Sysiphus.

All this when I am to go back to my mother shortly. The time had passed so quickly...I would hate it so much if we were to part on bad terms. A miserable six months it would be if that were the case.

Especially, when I have not even told him the news. The actual news...


"You claim to have not had a proper burial?" I ask neutrally. I really couldn't care less about this minuscule, irritating, and self-absorbed mortal. Other more important things deserve my attention at this moment, but I must get this out of the way. Then, I may return to questioning my wife...

Oh, Persephone, what in the Underworld has been going on?

"Yes. That is correct. My wife foolishly neglected to." Sysiphus replies nearly proudly.

I scratch my now scruffy chin absentmindedly. I normally kept it strictly bare, but this whole mess with Cerberus and Thanatos has made me not bother lately. It is a change for my wife to get used to, just as I have to adjust to shorter hair; I change I do not necessarily hate...but I don't like it better necessarily either. That's something I'd never admit to her either; not as long as she likes it.

"And why would she neglect to do so?" I mumble, completely unamused and uncaring.

"No decent reason, my Lord..." He grins mischievously, instantly making me wish he was already out of my presence. I would definitely cook up a perfectly suiting punishment for this annoying, little, despicable human. Especially to have spoken so carelessly about my wife. It may have been useful knowledge to me, but utterly disrespectful regardless.

"Return. Return and live another ten years for all care, but keep in mind what is waiting here for you" I narrow my eyes challengingly to which the human is not at all intimidated.

"Oh, I do not at all intend on returning." He replies cheekily. All I can do is roll my eyes. I'll certainly hope I won't be seeing him again any time soon...though I can't wait for him to get what he deserves.

"This is ridiculous." Thanatos faces me angrily with his dark eyes, but I'm anything but intimidated. I couldn't care less about his preference right now. An improper burial is part of the death process and must be done. If it happens again, however, there will be more severe consequences for him and his wife.

But...just as the self-preserving mortal turns his back I clear my throat. "You may return and get your proper burial, but I've decided to rephrase it a bit."

Sisyphus whitens while Thanatos shows his glee immediately, smirking from ear to ear, his arms crossed in satisfaction.

"You'll return and remind your wife of her duties. There will be consequences for her if she does not abide by this...and again, in three days, you will die one final time. You'll never find an excuse this time, Sisyphus." I grin, the justice of the moment soothing me as it usually tends to.

"But, your Lord-" He tries to dispute but I raise my hand, silencing him.

I turn to Thanatos. "Do you hear that Thanatos? In three days time exactly, I wish for you to retrieve Sisyphus one last time, and I'll be happy to see him endure his rightful punishment thereafter."

He nods, appreciating my judgement...my foolish distractions nearly made me lose sight of the current matter at hand with my wife, but I realize that alone can't excuse a rash judgement call.

"Be off." I dismiss them. Sisyphus shows his desperate terror as he's torn away from my presence...

Now....to return to bed, to an anxiously waiting wife, I'm sure.

I knock on the door gently before entering after pausing to assess how exactly I feel about Persephone's white lie. I do understand she was nervous to tell me, but we had practically put the matter behind us because there wasn't anything she hadn't told me - or so I had thought.

Now it's right back causing even more tension.

"Yes?" Her soft voice was barely audible on the other side of the door.

I open the door and took in my Queen. She sat on the satin sheets of our bed, her hands bundled around several hankies as if she had just been crying. I wince immediately in sympathy, but I know things still need to be said.


"Stop!" She jumps in quickly. "I don't know how terrible this argument may turn out to be, so I'd like to tell you something before we both feel terrible." She pleas.

I furrow my brows sadly. "It appears you already feel terrible." I calmly observe. "But...go ahead and tell me." Best for her to get everything out on the table right now before we start this.

She shivers as I step towards her. "Come on, what is it?"

"I...I think I might be carrying your child." She whispers anxiously...but I can still sense the nervous excitement in her voice.

And I feel the same way.

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