The Wedding

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I hate to admit it, but the groom is even more ravishing tonight than his usual rough appearance. I sort of liked the rough, messy hair, but the tidied up version of him has the appearance of just another God. He's no different...but according to the shades he is different under the surface.

I frown, alone in my room, pondering on this one thing. I had always considered my heart a fragile one. I could never handle the romantic advances I received in fear that it would end with the same heartbreak my mother warned me about. The shades had one thing right: I need a good, loyal husband. Perhaps Hades is more than just the dark and handsome partner I had been dreaming of for my whole adolescence...

I am frightened at the thought that he is. With a husband like him I am in a whole different realm where I can't even see the sun. With him, I can't be near my mother or friends. I will eventually miss her, won't I?

Either way, I have no choice. I exit the bedroom as the shade handmaidens are just about to knock on the door. The ceremony is beginning.

The hall is bright with lights and it nearly warms my heart. It is as if the sun is hanging in the center. This was not done for anyone else but me. Just for me...I look down to hide my pleased expression.

Hades was waiting for me there, looking even a tad more handsome than I remembered. I bite my lip as I approach him. Isabelle and Jasmine touch my hands with a smile. I stand next to him and he faces me without a word. "Hi," I whisper while he takes a deep breath.

The ceremony goes forth smoothly. I nearly snap out of reality while it goes on...but quickly snap back in when it comes for me to say "I do."

I swallow hard. Hades has already said it. Now I have to produce the same vow.

I look into his dark eyes, his one eyebrow is raised in anticipation. "I do," I whisper. They accept my nearly inaudible answer but the light in Hades eyes dies at my lack of enthusiasm.

Then, it's time to kiss the bride.

Hades hesitantly leans down, eliminating our height difference. Not wishing to make a fuss, I press my lips to his, making the rest of the distance between us. He's taken aback, but for our first kiss, it is pretty acceptable. Even nice...strange that they nearly feel familiar.

I bite my lip once more when I pull away. I keep my eyes closed as there's a soft cheer throughout the hall. Hades takes my hand and we both face our audience, most of which I have not been acquainted with yet. I shyly open my eyes and take it all in. A small smile may even have been seen on my face.

I am a married Goddess. I am married to one of the most powerful, and intimidating  Gods there are to choose from...a God who has been nearly exclusively alone until I was born.

Now, suddenly I'm what he wanted. Me out of everyone and he barely even knows me.


Hades and I leave together late that evening after the celebration ended. I had a bit too much wine but said wine helped with the introduction to all of Hade's servants and acquaintances. It also gave me the courage to still have his hand in mine down the hall. When it came to his bedchamber he gave me the option to go to my own.

"I can have the decency to lie beside my husband for our wedding night. It'd be rather cruel if I did not." I manage to jumble my words into a sentence.

He nods quietly as we both enter the room. Moments later we just stand, unmoving. I feel rather sober then and remove my shoes on my own. "May we just talk?" I whisper nervously. I can't do this right now. I'm not ready. We've barely even kissed or been acquainted...

"Yes. I understand." He removes his shirt. "Just getting comfortable. You can do the same."

"I need your help to remove this," I ask and demand at the same time. I feel slight guilt for speaking this way, but am still tipsy enough to remain bold enough to still go with it.

"As you wish, sweetness."

"I'm not sweet. I don't deserve to be called that. " I slur, the drunk feeling returning. " I can't believe I had so much wine. Mother never let me have any before...I always had to be such a sweet girl but it never felt right."

"It never felt right because you have never belonged up there. They all fake what they are up there. You aren't like that." He encourages as he unzips my dress. His knuckles touch and stroke down my bare back.

Please, let us just talk. I keep thinking that, but his genuine manner is winning me over.


Persephone leaves her dress on the ground and crawls into the bed silently, still wearing her undergarment. I lay beside her without a word or an attempt to touch her.

"Why did you want me? Out of all the Goddesses to choose from?" She whispers.

She must not see any of the value in herself. Being locked up away from everyone must belittle how you see yourself...I would know. Everyone else must appear superior when they are strong enough to be in the world when you are not.

"You're not like the rest. You stick out like a river running in the desert, the sun shining in pitch blackness. It's rather hard to explain but I haven't felt much of anything for anyone...until I laid my eyes upon you." I respond soothingly.

She turns to me in the bed, nearly pushing herself into my arms. She doesn't directly respond to what I said, but I know she listened. She slides closer. "You're not as cold as you look."

"I'm rather not cold at all compared to my surroundings."

She slightly smiles again and falls asleep then without any more conversation.

I remain awake on my own, reading the poetry she was charmed by. I read it out of both curiosity in what she liked about it and my unwillingness to sleep. Falling asleep still risks her leaving in the middle of the night and never returning. I can't keep forcing her to stay. I don't have the heart for it when she's just going to suffer, even if this is what she wanted once...

She can either lay with me as husband and wife officially or she can request an annulment before we consummate the marriage. Its no question that she hasn't decided on either yet.

A few hours later she awoke asking for water. "I would die for a cup of water", she says, "No need for that. I'll get it for you." I told her gently.

I got up out of the bed and she follows close behind. I turn towards her with confusion in my eyes. "That's alright you don't need to follow me," I told her.

"I wish to." She mumbles sleepily, my affection for her only rising by the minute. Her beauty is just simply indescribable.

We walk together, beside each other without contact. "What is my role to be in the Underworld, husband?" She whispers.

"If you choose to stay...I won't force a role on you in the Underworld itself. That is not your burden, but together we are to be the God and Goddess of fertility." I assure her. She slightly smiles, "I think I would like that."

"Good," I answer. Once she's had her drink of water, we return to bed where we both can sleep soundly. This time she cuddles up close comfortably for both of us. It is a peaceful night from then on.

Hades and Persephone जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें