A Visit Above

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I ask for Psyche to wait for me while I fetched the cream. Upon my return, I was appalled to see Hades there as well, both of them waiting for my return.

My husband barely looks away from me as I approach them, his gaze never straying towards the gorgeous being just a few feet away from him. He doesn't even seem tempted to let his eyes admire her flawless appearance. I doubt I had ever felt more proud of him - though I couldn't have blamed him if he did.

"Another visitor?" Hades half smiles, equally surprised, but also slightly irritated at the sudden lack of security the Underworld seems to have. 

I blush, and chuckle nervously. "She is a peaceful visitor. I promise." 

"No one cheating death, I hope?" He glances Psyche's way as she shivers anxiously, clearly terrified merely at his presence. 

"Don't frighten her." I scoff, walking past him. "Here you go, dear." I hand Psyche a container of my cream. She graciously accepts, opening up a box that laid at her feet and quickly putting it inside. She locks it tight. 

Hades watches suspiciously, but doesn't speak. 

"Good luck." I bid her. She curtsies, thanking me continuously as I escort her back to Charon's boat. As we arrive, I have to ask. "My husband will be sour if I don't find out. How did you find your way here? Usually you have to pass by Cerberus." 

Psyche stutters furiously. "U-uh, it's a long story. A tower told me-" 

I laugh. "Okay, okay. I don't need all the crazy details." 

"Oh...um, well I carried the fare for the boat under my tongue and the boatman took me across to Cerberus. I fed him some cake I brought with me and distracted him enough to sneak by." Psyche claims. 

I laugh in surprise. "Delightful, clever girl. I wish you all the best with your love, the god of love." I wink.

The girl blushes happily. "Thank you, I will never forget how you helped me; because of you, I finally have the hope to keep fighting to see him again."

I watch her depart, and return to my waiting husband.

"Cake distracts Cerberus now, does it?" Hades growls, somewhat playfully, but I can tell he's genuinely annoyed. "Even he's an imbecile now."

"Nevermind that." I chuckle. I pull him close and wrap my hands around his muscular self. "Let's make a visit above."

He smirks, genuinely pleased. "What? You want to start trying already?" He grips my waist suggestively.

I hit his hands away and pull out of his grip, giggling teasingly as I do so. " Save it for later, hot stuff."

Hades grins lustfully. "Oh, sure, sure. After all, it only boosts the anticipation."

I could tell it was a promise, and I certainly took his word for it.


My little flower absolutely shone when she came into the sunlight. She immersed herself in its warmth and threw herself down on the grass directly in its ray of light.

I, on the other hand, shielded my face to prevent myself from being blinded. 

Not from the sun, but from how brightly my little flower shines. There's no doubt about it, she shines even brighter than the star of life. I couldn't help but admire her as she melted the snow around her with ease, revealing miraculous green grass beneath it. The Earth may be in the brink of the colder months with her gone, but just at her presence, the snow dispersed without a moment's hesitation and any clouds blocking the sun flew out of the way. It was as if the sun itself wanted to catch a glimpse of Persephone and worship her just as I do.

"Oh, Hades." She murmurs contentedly. "I definitely will be sunbathing when I return to Earth for the spring and summer. It will be absolutely marvellous. I'll have glowing skin for days." 

"You already do, sweetness." I wink. 

She scowls, but I know she's taken the compliment. "Oh, come on down here." She curls her index finger, beckoning me to her. 

I kneel down in front of her. Just as I'm about to tell her this was the first meadow I had seen her all grown up as the beautiful woman she had become...she tugs me by my collar, trapping me in a passion fueled kiss. 

"You little spitfire." I smile against her lips, and proceed to lie her beneath me, doing exactly as we had intended: to make love in the glory of the sun.

For possibly the first time, it was as if a fire ignited between us as we united as one in that meadow. The passion, the love, the lust. I was already finding myself filled with renewed hope that she may fall pregnant. I know she will eventually, and it may take time, but my heart is already filled with anticipation. 

After Persephone curled up beside me, breathless, and satisfied, she falls asleep...I nearly find myself slumbering off, but force myself up when I see that the sun has begun to set. 

"Sephie, wake up." I urge her upright. Her adorable little nose scrunches up briefly in annoyance, but her expression immediately softens once she sees the stunning sunset before us. 

"It's a beautiful world." She murmurs in awe. 

I grin from ear to ear, finding myself staring at her sitting beside me rather than the sight in front of me. "Yes, yes it is."

After the sun has set, we make our journey back down. Persephone pouts as she watches the snow return as it was before her visit, but she keeps moving ahead towards the entrance of the Underworld. 

On the ride through the river of Styx, Persephone is quite quiet; thinking about many things she isn't ready to talk about, I'm sure. I watch her curiously but am startled at the sight that awaited us in the throne room. 

Isabelle and Jasmine shout in panic as soon as they catch sight of us. I leave the boat immediately. "What is it?" 

"Disaster has struck, our Lord. We are so very sorry, but there was nothing we could do." The girls were both in tears. 

"What do you mean?" My eyes flare with anger, but I still held some compassion for the two, despite their recent mishaps. 

"It's Cerberus." Jasmine chokes. 

"What about him?" I hiss worriedly. Persephone clutches my arm comfortingly. The goddess was already anticipating my reaction: either outrage or devastation. I don't have the slightest clue what I would do without the beloved hound. 

"Hercules has defeated him." 

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