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Early in the morning I wake suddenly, the memory of last night fresh in my mind. Hades is nowhere to be seen, leaving the bed barren and freezing. I remove myself from the empty sheets and run down the hall, my bare feet tapping against the stone floor.

Isabelle is startled by my appearance. "My Queen, you are barely clothed." I stop and turn around in embarrassment. "I really am not used to having to dress up. My mistake." Isabelle takes my arm and leads me back to my own bedroom where my wardrobe was stored. "Choose anything you like, but perhaps something special as it is your first day as Queen?" Isabelle kindly suggests. I nod quietly and dismiss her.

The clothes are all made of overly extravagant materials. One in particular is extremely soft while the others are extremely shiny or silky. I can't even begin to decide which is the best or which is the most special of my selection.

I've always considered myself a simply dressed, modest girl...certainly not Queen material or experienced in pretending to be so. "Isabelle!" I call her back into the room. She comes immediately as if waiting outside my door. "Yes, my Queen?"

"What do you suggest I wear? I cannot decide."

"This would look rather flattering on you, your highness." She pulls out a vibrant yellow dress. The waist is quite petite and the skirt has a rather nice flow to it. "The material could be a little less eye catching. I never wore anything like this at home." I admit.

"Would you have if you had the opportunity?" Isabelle inquires and I blush. "I never really had the option to even think about it before." I also admit.

"Now you have the option to be whoever you want to be. It's not like there would anyone here to make a judgement of you. Everyone down here loves you. If the King adores you, so shall all of us." Isabelle tells me confidently.

I believe her words and gently put on the dress. It certainly brought out my complexion more so than my typical white attire. I usually found my skin drowned out by the usual paleness of my wardrobe. Now it's complimented. "There you go. Absolutely stunning." Isabelle muses happily. "I can braid your hair as well if you like. There's no need to confine your hair to the same hairstyle anymore either."

I nod and let her go forward, blossoming me into a lovely appearance of a woman I never previously could picture myself as. "Where were you off to in such a hurry?" Isabelle inquires. "I rather not say," I answer because truthfully I had little insight as to why myself. I simply woke up alone with the urge to find my new husband. Perhaps even apologize for stealing his wedding night from him and being so conservative. I could have done better. He gave me the option to not do it, and many Gods would not have been so kind...He was a gentleman. I cannot say the same for any of the past suitors I have had or have ever pictured myself having in the near future...

"I will leave you to it then. I did not mean to pry." Isabelle curtsied and left silently. Taking in my appearance one more time I inhale deeply. I slowly close my eyes, pondering on the important decision I must important decision about Hades.


Hermes had arrived by my request. "Demeter needs to know about her daughter's condition. If she is alright and if she has already been forced to marry you." Hermes states, clearly keeping his personal opinion to himself...barely holding it back.

"Yes, we have already been married and it was done willingly on her part." I insist, rolling my eyes. "I can get her here to confirm this if you insist that I wake her."

Hermes grimaces. "I do, unfortunately, have to insist. If I do not, Demeter will hang me by my shoes the second I come back without speaking to her myself."

I sigh heavily. "Alright, agreed. I will in a moment."

"Demeter is also requesting that the marriage be annulled, if it is still possible, assuming you have not forced yourself on her already." Hermes winces again.

I lock my jaw shut. "You and I both know I wouldn't. I'll just go and get Persephone and she will tell you herself."

"No need. You look well, Hermes." Persephone calls softly from the hall. "As you can see I am not harmed, but I am married."

Hermes frowns. "May I speak with you privately, Persephone?"

"Of course." She comes closer as she speaks, clearly wearing one of the dresses I had made for her, and she's wearing it very well. I knew it would suit her perfectly, not that anything wouldn't. She gracefully joins us without glancing at me. It burns, but I don't react in fear Hermes would mock my rejection.

They leave together, and I can't help admire her sternness. I pray she will defend me. Even better, accept me as hers forever.


"Are you sure you are well?" Hermes asks anxiously.

"Yes, my brother. I am the Queen of the Underworld, married to a powerful and protective husband. I could not be anything but well and safe." I nearly mock him, but part of me genuinely means it.

He frowns. " You've never dressed like this before."

"I'm trying something new. It was a gift from Hades, my husband."

"Please don't call him that." Hermes cuts me off, pain in his voice. "Please tell me he did not hurt you...touch you in any way you-"

"No, we didn't consummate the marriage yet, Hermes. He did not even try and force me too. He was a complete gentleman." 'Completely undeserving of the terrible things that are said about him', I think to myself.

"Good. Then there is still time to annul the marriage. I will tell your mother right away, just don't do anything until I come back with her response. There will be a dozen worthy Gods ready to court you the moment you return to where you belong, Apollo is still interested in fact." Hermes takes both of my hands in his with excitement.

"Apollo? He certainly didn't make me feel as safe as I feel here. From what I remember I didn't feel comfortable around him." I giggle.

Hermes rolls his eyes. "You don't have to pick Apollo, though he would be a powerful choice."

"Not as powerful as Hades." I cut him off with a mocking smile. "Not that means anything to me."

"Please, just listen to reason. You're completely separated from everyone that you love down here. It's cold, there isn't even a sun for warmth or light. It's just death and misery. There's no reason you need to be imprisoned here with that beast." He begs, almost kneeling. "Please your mother is desperate, she will practically kill me if I don't come back with any good news."

"There is good news. Tell her that I am well. That is all she should need to hear without making every single human starve." My tone immediately changes as I remember the torment she is putting everyone through. "Besides, she has already had Hades agree to let me spend half the year with her. She can't hold onto me forever. I have the right to choose where to be half a year at least. That's long enough for a wife to be separated from her husband. I'm surprised Hades was kind enough to agree to such ridiculous circumstances." I sass back at him.

"I cannot believe you call him that willingly." Hermes softly retorts. "I thought all this nonsense was over..." I feel for him, but clearly, everyone in the upside part of the world doesn't understand.

"Hades doesn't deserve to live his life alone, and if he's going to treat me just as well, if not better, than any other God, there's no need to force an end to our union." I softly respond. "I understand your worry, my friend, but he's no worse than anyone else."

Hermes stands. "I hear you, Persephone, but please do not lie with him until I return with your mothers response."

I peer down at him. "I heed your wish, but it will be my choice, dear Hermes. After all, the Queen of the Underworld title seems to suit me more and more by the moment. I don't feel quite like the weak self that I used to be."

Hermes frowns sadly. "You're changing around him."

"I'm stronger around him." I insist with a smile. "Now, I better get going. Hades is going to need help with all the dead coming in from my mother's idiotic and selfish famine she's brought upon the world."

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