Violet raised a brow, her face unimpressed. "Are you calling her a slut?"

"Well, she wasn't a saint that's for sure," he quickly conjectured. "It was because she was Gin's sister that she was able to get away with murder. She was under his protection."

"Then how did she die?"

James inhaled a sharp breath like that question had maimed him. "She killed herself," he finally said without an inkling of sympathy.

Violet had heard him say that Mary had committed suicide during Gin and James' vicious spat, but it wasn't until James admitted this fact to her personally that a memory lodged in the back of her head got jogged.

You look just like Mary.

"Did she hang herself?" she said without thinking.

James whipped his head to Violet, his nostrils flaring and his eyes raging in anger. "Where did you hear that?"

The response to her question made Violet draw her bed covers over herself out of instinct. Immediately noticing her alarm, James extinguished his outburst by covering his eyes with a shaky hand.

"I need to go to the bathroom," he whispered. James headed towards the door to leave Violet alone in the white-washed room with her rattled nerves, and her even more rattled thoughts.


Violet was able to "return" to school after trudging through three suffocating hospital scenes with her cumbersome, overbearing step-brother. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she found herself in the pallid walls of her English Literature class and was delighted to see her glasses-toting Michelangelo flexing his broad, well-built back as he scribbled poetry quotes on a chalkboard. Seeing Mr. Reinhart at work was a lot less stressful than being with that sober killjoy of a Rodin that brooded over her bedside like a patient reaper.

Pretending to write notes in her notebook, Violet drew hearts beside the names of the four CPs in her notebook's ledger:

Jack: 💜💜/5

Gin: 💜/5

Mr. Reinhart: undetermined

James: undetermined

Violet figured that her interactions with the four CPs would decrease after her return; Mr. Reinhart seemed to be perpetually busy with school (despite graduating from school and being a goddamn teacher), James was probably entombed by the work he neglected while he was doing fuck-all in the hospital with her, Gin was aggravated by her "stupidity" even though he finally "showed" her some affection through his LG, and Jack...She had no words left for Jack. She was done with him. 

She let out a sigh that was not of relief. Cut me some slack man.

A light tap on her head pulled her back into virtual class and she looked up with a hand placed over the affected spot.

"Get your head back in the game Violet," Mr Reinhart said with a rolled up dictation book in hand and a smile that was as radiant as a summer's sun.

Violet smiled back up at him, her eyes filled with stars. You're still my favourite.

Her moment with Reinhart didn't last long however as the door to the classroom slammed open, the appearance of the intruder prompting the entire class to collectively gasp. Violet leaned over her desk to see who it was, but once her eyes caught sight of coal and metal her breathing hitched and her heart rate sky rocketed past the stratosphere.

"Sorry I'm late for class," the boy drawled without remorse.

"You've been 'late' for 19 of my classes Mr. Dolor."

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