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Oh my God, I think I need an ambulance. I'm speechless. *lies down on floor and cries*

Here's what I can say: I'm so sorry for my slow updates as of late! Summer seems to be the season where things that have left me alone for the other three seasons (e.g. family, work) want more of me all at once -_-. I've also been feeling empty recently, but I'll get to that later.

This isn't one of the most thrilling chapters, but it's a very important chapter. At least to me.

Enjoy <3


-Violet- counted the speckles of her slate gray ceiling like they were stars. So far, she counted 2358 of them including the ones she'd probably already included in her tally and didn't bother to correct. She rolled onto the side of her tiny bed and curled herself into a ball after her vision started to swirl into whirlpools of gray.

Like his eyes.

Pinching at the small silver cuff at her ear with her thumb and forefinger, -Violet- activated her cuff's in-ear call system. The holographic selections menu appeared by her eye and she chose the contact at the top of her Favourites list with a few systematic blinks of her eyelids. Considering the atrocious state that she was in, -Violet- decided to make the call audio-only.

The call connected after two rings.

"Viola you bitch! Can you pick up your Diadem when I call you for once!" screeched a voice from her cuff.

"...Alvie, can you set me up with that blind date from before?"

The other side of the line went dead silent. In -Violet's- imagination, she could hear the mind of the person behind the line whirring and wheezing like her grandpa's old BETO processor.

"I'm coming over with ice cream, pizza, and five bottles of vodka. And you better tell me everything," said the woman inside -Violet's- cuff.

"I'm not--"

"You spill or I'll dump your ass."

A smile bloomed over -Violet's- face like a soft pink rose. That blunt-as-a-metal-bat banshee had been threatening to end their decades-long friendship since they were kindergartners, but the sound of her stinging bluff was more of an affirmation of their bond than a death knell to it.

"I'll try," -Violet- mumbled.

"Is it someone I know?"

No, no. You've never met him. In a matter of fact, I'm actually on really good terms with him. So good in fact, I'm fucking terrified. And what's scarier is that the guy doesn't exist. He can't exist.

No matter how much I want him to.

"It's not about a guy."

"Viola, you know that I know you're a shit liar."

In RL that is. "When are you off work?" -Violet- said swiftly.

"I'll be done in a few hours unless Dickhead is gonna lay more overtime on me like his usual, shitty self does. I know you wear your 'hikikomoriness' like a badge, but you better not go anywhere when I'm coming for you, you 'stand?"

-Violet- made a small grunt of approval before clicking off the call and unraveling herself from her ball of despair. Ridding herself of her pajamas, Violet entered a minuscule blue-tiled bathroom and switched on her rainfall shower by tapping on the yellowing touchpad installed on an adjacent wall. She adjusted the heat until it was scalding and gave herself into its mercy.

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