Chapter 38- People Are Not Going to Stick Around

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Amit was a wreck.

He was doing his best to show that everything was normal as before. He tried smiling at the right places and complimented on the dinner his mother had so affectionately made. He also made sure not to look at Avni because he knew making eye contact with her would make him vulnerable and transparent.

Physically he was there with his family, but his mind in the meanwhile was replaying everything Jagan had said. His thoughts wandered off to how he would have prevented all of this from happening.

Oh, how he wished he would have given justice to his father. Although a post-mortem would not have been possible, he still could have looked at his father's body for any injuries.

Why didn't he consider it a possibility? Why did he think whatever he heard from Aamir to be true?

He should have done something! He should have asked Jagan everything earlier! He should have talked to his mother sooner! He should have sensed something to make out it was all a deliberate act on Karma's part.

Now, it was difficult for him to explain what he had just heard. The time was gone, and even if he tried, no-one would believe him if he spoke out loud.

That was the kind of power Time held. Once the right time was gone, even the right decisions and true intentions sounded wrong.

But, he would make sure Karma paid the price of it. He was not going to sit idle. He would take all the necessary steps needed to retaliate.

"Is food not good?" his mother asked in concern.

"No, Ma. It's delicious. I missed it so much." He replied breaking the flow of his troubling thoughts.

He had a perfect smile on his face, but his heart held many strong waves of tsunamis in which he didn't want anyone to get caught.

"Then eat up. You have gone so thin in these few months. Do you not eat anything in Delhi?"

"I do eat, Ma. But, I don't have you to badger me for food. I just eat whatever I feel like."

"Yeah, this is what 'growing up' means to you. Your father would have gone mad at me for not making your favorite food. So eat up before it gets cold."

The mention of his Paa did not do any good, and his lips trembled despite his control.

"Crying won't do you any good, son. Time will heal everything. You just wait, everything will be alright."

He nodded through his heavy throat and gulped down an entire glass of water in one go.

"You're right. Crying won't do me any good, Ma. I'll make everything better. I promise."

There was a newfound fiery passion in his voice; it was something he hadn't even felt himself before, not even when he was leaving Unnao to go to Delhi.

With this thought in his mind, he finished his dinner. Then with a smile left to retreat to his room.

The smile said a very different story- one that made Avni's frown to deepen.


Avni had been restless the whole day. With Amit gone, she'd spent her day in the confines of his house. It was a struggle for her to sit idle, and do nothing but gawk at his mother working her way efficiently in the kitchen.

Her wound stung even now, and she couldn't even lie down comfortably on her back.

It had been a dull day for her.

When Amit made his appearance, the dull had turned into a flash of giddy. But when she looked at him, she saw a new raw pain etched on his face. She didn't say anything out loud, as he seemed adamant in hiding how he really was feeling.

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