Chapter 12- Musician's Place

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"Yes, Ma. Will do."

Amit spoke over the phone as his mother gave every instruction she could think of giving her only child, who was now living on his own.

It'd been a week since he moved here. So far, Delhi had been in his favor, apart from one incident with the station-girl, which was a faded memory.

He liked the vibe of Delhi. It was so impartial and normal.

As usual, he had woken up at the crack of dawn and had watched the sun as it spread its rays of golden light everywhere, filling those glass windows with its glow, indicating a new and bright day ahead.

"And don't forget to get those mosquito repellents. God knows when this Dengue will leave Delhi."

She continued to instruct, while Amit sipped his morning tea in his small studio apartment given by the University authorities near College campus. It wasn't big, but it was more than enough for him and the view of the sun was stunning from the twelfth floor.

"And of course, those little candles and matchboxes, in case there are any power cuts,"

"You know, you have given me a list of these things already. If by any chance, I forget anything, there is always telephone these days, Ma."

"Oh, I know. But it makes me feel better now that I am not with you," she replied and a sigh escaped her lips, which he knew was a worried sigh of a mother.

He could easily imagine his mom's posture right now. She must be sitting on the only chair beside the receiver with her brows knitted together, while continuously twisting her gold chain back and forth.

"You know once I'm settled, I'm going to bring you and Paa here, right?"

"We will talk about that later, Amit. You just concentrate on your career and make us proud."

She always did that, changed the subject whenever he broached it. But he was stubborn too and he knew he was going to make them agree to come here.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later. It's time for your Paa's morning tea," and just like other times, Amit ended the call after seeking her blessing.


It was a cool Sunday morning, so he decided to have a run and then do some shopping afterward. It was not something he was fond of, but given the situation, he didn't have any choice in it.

After running for about a mile or two, Amit turned in the direction of the market and made a mental list for the things he would be buying today.

It wasn't until he noticed a shop that read 'Musician's place', he stopped in his tracks and took a good look at it.

It wasn't a fancy one with glass doors with a huge entrance. It was an old looking shop with a wooden door that wasn't even big. The banner, on which those words were printed, was worn out too, and one end of it was hanging loose giving the shop a rustier outlook.

But somehow, despite the exterior shabbiness, it piqued Amit's interest. He went inside and the bell above that door chimed, notifying the owner of his arrival.

When he stepped inside, he was surprised to see the interior of it. Despite it being too old, every instrument was kept in a very orderly and neat manner.

He was so engrossed in admiring the instruments, he didn't even notice when someone said, "Excuse me?" the first time.

The second time though, he turned around. He was startled by the interruption and flustered of his negligent behavior. So he apologized to an elderly lady, who was old enough to be his grandmother. Her face was gentle, she seemed soft spoken and her aura was charming.

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