Chapter 8- A Smile Can Do Wonders

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Amit hopped out of his bike and came straight to where we were standing.

"You," he pointed his finger towards Rohini, "You'll have to come with me on my bike."

Where did that come from?

"Aamir! You know the way?" he yelled as Aamir was some distance away and was sitting on a stone plucking the twigs of a dried plant.

"Yup," he replied and walked to where we were gathered. "It's just a straight path. You told me the direction. I'll follow the lead, don't you worry."

"Then, you will have to walk with him,"

That him was me.

"Now, move along, and hide the jeep somewhere safe. It should be out of sight from other people, and no one who crosses this path should see it. Got it?" he asked.

Aamir nodded seriously.

He seemed in a hurry and was very frantic. Every movement of him was rushed.

His hurry made me wary.

I don't know where these thoughts came from? But, suddenly I saw him as a man who was pretending to help us. I saw a man- a complete stranger, who, without knowing me, came to help me and that too without wanting anything in return.

I became suspicious and my mind's wheels started churning.

"Where are you taking her?" I asked looking directly at him.

"Somewhere safe," he replied in the same clipped tone he used on me.

He made a move to go towards his bike again, but I stopped him by saying, "Wait!"

"Look, I've no time for your stupid questions. Just follow Aamir and he will bring you to us. I really have to move, now."

"We are not going anywhere with you," I stated, and clutched Rohini's hand tightly.

Rohini looked at me with an expression that said, have you gone mad? And maybe I had. I was looking at everything with a different light.

"It's your trap, isn't it?" I asked.

"Aditya!" Rohini warned. But I shook my head and squeezed her hand to tell her I didn't want any interruption.

She glared at me, but right now I was not ready for her speech.

"What are you talking about?" he asked and slowly started moving towards me.

I didn't find him intimidating anymore. I didn't care that he was taller than me or had more strength than me. All I cared for was Rohini's safety; it was my only priority.

"It all makes sense now. You come out of nowhere to help complete strangers. Bring us to a place that's completely deserted. On top of that, you don't ride with us in the jeep. You bring your own bike to show some kind of a bad boy image. Then, you tell Rohini to come with you, so that you can take her to those pathetic, horrible, illiterate villagers!"

I laughed sarcastically and started clapping.

"Wow! What a plan. After all, you're from that village too. You are bound to be just like them, isn't it?"

"You've gone mad," he said, showing no emotion whatsoever. "It's nothing like that."

"Then, why don't you answer my question? Huh? Why don't you explain yourself? Where are you taking us and why not take the jeep?"

"Aditya, calm down. It's nothing like what you are thinking..." said Aamir calmly. But Amit held out his finger, and he shut up.

"First of all, I'm nothing like those losers. Don't compare me with them, ever. To answer your question, I'm taking you to a place, a hut, where you'll be safe. And regarding your statement about helping a stranger, you're no stranger to me."

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