Chapter 24- What Have I Done Now?

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Are you aware of the feeling? When a relative, who never calls you on an ordinary day, calls you at 2 o'clock in the midnight? I'm sure the very first thought that comes in any of our minds is not a good one.

My mind was actually thinking the same when Amit returned not more than an hour later, and the look on his face spoke volumes.

In these four days, I had gotten to know a lot about his expressions, and although he had the same blank expression every day, this time it wasn't pleasing.

An eerie silence hung in the air as he strode towards us determinedly, and came to stand directly in front of me.

My first thought was, what have I done now?

My inner question was answered not less than a second later when Amit asked in a menacing voice that actually made me worried.

"Did you or did you not tell a villager your name?"

I was lost for a fraction of a second. It caught me off guard as I was still imagining a drunken Amit with a girl who had spilled a lot of his beans in a very drunken way.

Is it actually possible for a guy to change this much? Because when I stared at this Amit, he didn't look like a guy who would laugh and dance and get drunk. His voice was not friendly. It was indifferent; my mind actually staggered and forgot all about what he had asked me in the first place.

This time he snapped loudly, making everyone in the room quiet.

"Did you or did you not tell your name to a stranger, Aditya?" I actually processed his question this time.

After a second, I went to shake my head, of course not! I was here the whole time. What did he expect? I would be able to fly or teleport and tell my name to each and every stranger who came my way?

Then, I remembered the trip with Sam to buy groceries, and my mind caught up with me. I remembered interacting with a stranger with cattle and a stick. I remembered telling him my name, and I nodded.

I simply nodded; it was a small nod, but a nod nonetheless. A nod that was enough for Amit to go berserk. He looked at me with anger. Fury poured through every core of his bone, and I couldn't do anything, but stare at him to see what the result of it would be.

"Goddamn, Aditya! I'm doing everything in my power to get you away from this pathetic village. Not only, but I'm also providing you with food and hiding you in my place, and you go and do something like this?"

His place? He actually owned this place? But I didn't get the time to ponder over it as he clenched his jaw hard and his eyes bored into mine with disgust. I went to reply but he wasn't done.

"I never knew you were that dumb! I sent you with Sam only once and you made your identity known to a stranger!"

His words were harsh and I tried defending myself with only one excuse I had.

"It was just a nice man with cattle." I felt like a kid, justifying for an act, which I knew was intolerable.

This seemed to infuriate Amit even more and he looked around as if he was searching for something to throw at me.

"Not everyone who 'seems' nice is actually nice, Aditya! You came here for a reason. Were you so careless to throw your name around here casually?"

Before I could come up with anything, Amit's voice rang in my ears loudly and the threat in it was evident.

"This village is dangerous, and when I say dangerous, it really is. People will do anything to a person like her," he directed towards Rohini. "Forget about taking an action, no one would even blink if you or she goes missing," his eyes were trained on me and intimidation seeped through them, making his intention clear. He was deadly serious.

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