Chapter 28- Regret Is a Sweet Fruit

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"You don't look too well," Meera noted. She was finally done with her trip and came back home three days ago.

Every day she asked Avni this question, and everyday Avni's reply was the same. "I'm fine, Nanny. Just been busy with work,"

"I haven't seen Amit since I returned. Where is he?" Meera questioned curiously.

Avni shrugged and continued doing her work.

"Did you guys have a fight?"

"Why would you think that?" she replied monotonously.

"Well, he hasn't been here lately, and I can't think of any other reason."

"Maybe he is pissed at me," she replied and started writing furiously on her computer.

"That thing will break. Will you please tell me what's wrong? What's bothering you?" Meera insisted and came to stand beside her.

"I don't know, Nani," her lips quivered, and she let out a heavy sigh.

Meera was shocked at hearing her say the correct word for her name.

Despite her telling Avni a million times to call her Nani, she always called her Nanny. But now, when she finally called her by the correct word, Meera didn't like it at all.

"What's wrong? Talk to me," Meera squeezed her shoulder, urging Avni to let it all out.

"After that night..." she paused to compose herself, and continued again, "he hasn't even called or replied to a single message of mine. I even sent him a sorry message, but he ignored it,"

"Why would he be upset with you?"

"Maybe because I made him get too drunk,"

"You are not even sure about your own reasons, Avni. There is that 'maybe'. Assuming things can be really harmful, you know,"

"But, that's the only thing I can think of! I don't know! I've called him so many times. Sent him so many messages, but he hasn't replied to a single one of them. At first, I thought he was too sick to reply, but now I think otherwise,"

"Okay, first of all, I'm sure you haven't done any such thing. Did you actually force him to get drunk?"

At this, Avni whipped her head in Meera's direction.

Surely, she'd said something about living only once, but she hadn't forced him to drink alcohol. Instead, she had even ordered soft drinks for both of them.

"I didn't!" she replied firmly.

"And here's your confirmation," Meera shrugged.

"But then, why would he ignore me?!"

"I think I'm not God, and we've established that already," Meera shook her head, and went to sit on the couch.

"But, I didn't do anything! And here I thought he wasn't talking to me because I did something wrong! That's really not fair! Why is he being an asshole?"

Meera narrowed her eyes at Avni's chosen words. But decided against chiding her this time, seeing she'd actually made her worried. Instead, she replied, "I wasn't with you that night, otherwise I pretty much would have known. Talk to Amit. He is the only one who can clear all your confusions,"

"Didn't I tell you? I've tried calling him. I think you are getting too old, Nanny." Avni rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Avni. You did mention about calls and messages. But, surely you know his workplace. You didn't mention anything about meeting him in person," she raised her eyebrows.

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