Chapter 33- Old Is Wise

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"Will it be wise to go with him?"

Meera asked Avni after she got to know the whole story. She knew it was a tragedy for Amit, but somehow the idea of Avni going to Unnao didn't sound right to her.

"What do you mean, Nanny?" Avni asked with confusion.

"It's a family tragedy. You going with him can complicate things for him. He needs family time. Without you." She emphasized the last part to make her understand the situation.

But, who was a young person in love to listen to an old lady's advice when someone she loved was suffering?

Avni was blinded by her strong emotions for Amit, and her mind refused to see the logic in it. She thought her Nanny was being selfish, and that she wanted her to stay for her own sake. But little did she know that ignoring an old lady's worries rarely benefited people.

"Nanny, I need to go."

It was as if she hadn't heard to what Meera had said just now. She got up to go to her room to pack her bag.

Meera followed suit."No, you needn't go, Avni. He needs some time alone."

"Yeah, like I needed when mom and dad died." She turned around and looked at Meera sharply. It was enough for the latter to stutter for a short moment.

Avni didn't pay any attention to her and started packing her bag.

"I..." Meera started, but Avni cut her off. Old wounds had reopened, and now, there was no turning back.

"I wanted you with me at that time, Nanny. But all you did was go to work, handle the finances, and at the end of the day, lock yourself up in your room. Never once..."

Avni's voice quivered, and after taking a shaky breath, she went on, "Never once, you came to me on those occasions to ask me how I was. Did I eat the food you left in the refrigerator? Whether everyone treated me with pity in school? Whether teachers treated me the same or they looked at me as if I was a lost soul? Nope, never once you came to me and wiped my tears. It was like you were grieving because you'd lost your daughter and son-in-law. But, no one cared about how a girl was coping with both her parents gone."

Her tears were now brimming from her eyes. She felt like she'd cried in the past few hours enough to compensate for all the lost years.

"So yes, I'm going. I need to go." With it, she zipped her bag and left her room to go to the bus station, where Amit was headed.

Meera couldn't say anything. She had so much going in her mind. She wanted to say that she checked the sink for dirty dishes on those occasions, and knew that Avni had had her food; that, she came in her room after she was asleep and saw the tears on the pillow, which broke her heart; that, she watched her sleep for a long time after retreating back to her own room.

But, the resolve she saw on Avni's face was enough for her to not stop her. She followed Avni to the living room silently.

Before she could go, Meera called out to her. Avni turned around, this time without the anger.

"Have a good journey, Avni. Come back soon, yeah? I'll miss you." She then handed her an envelope, Avni assumed contained cash.

After that, Meera held her in her arms. Avni hugged her back. The warmth that engulfed her was indescribable.

"I will." She replied with her own teary smile and left her apartment building.


Amit was waiting for her at the bus station as she'd thought. Although his eyes were still red from crying, his demeanor was calm.

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