Chapter 7- The Escape

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In Unnao, everyone looked at Karma as if he had found a hidden treasure.

Everyone was desperate to know more when he had declared having information about Rohini and Aditya.

Panchs looked at him as if he was their king at that moment.

Karma was enjoying the attention. Slowly enfolding his cards, he recited everything from seeing them escape with Amit, sending his men in their search, to have found them at some restaurant having dinner according to his men.

"Where are they now?" asked his ever curious father.

"We'll have to wait to know the exact location. My men are searching, and soon they will be able to catch them," he said with an attitude that smelt arrogance.

"How long?" asked one of the panch.

"Maybe an hour or two. My men are heading towards south. There is a cheap hotel, and that's the only nearest place to stay for the night." answered Karma.

"Okay then, we will gather here after some time," said one of the panchs and the meeting was dismissed.


Two hours passed, the clock struck eight, and they met again at the same place.

"What's the progress?" asked one amongst many.

Karma was about to call his men and ask them about their whereabouts, when suddenly his cell vibrated, telling him about a call, which was from one of his men.

He smiled triumphantly, held out his finger towards them and answered the call.

"Where are they?" he asked without listening to the voice on the other end.

He was met with silence.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" he snapped.

"Sir," the voice replied.

"Did you catch them?" he asked with eagerness.

"Ahem," the voice on the other end continued with a tremble, "Sir, we lost them."

Karma's silence was deafening.

"How?" he asked breaking the heavy silence in a deadly cold voice. But from the inside, he was seething with rage.

"When we reached the hotel, the manager said that they'd left early in the morning, and he didn't see them depart."

"How could he not see them? Didn't they check out or pay for their stay?" he asked while gritting his teeth. His demeanor showed he was completely agitated

"No, sir. He said they left money and keys on the reception desk while he was in the washroom," he continued, "Nobody saw them leaving. We even asked some people who reside nearby." He finished with confidence trying to show their efforts.

"You bunch of fools!" He roared. "Can't do one thing right! One thing! Now, wait for my next order and don't move! Understand?"


"Now what?" he retorted.

"We thought we'll try and do some searching on our own. We're trying to move towards north that leads to a highway. Since they are more uh... educated, they would try to move towards a path that's more likely to open up to some station."

Karma pondered over what his man had just said and replied after a beat.

"Hmm... try it. Let's see if your plan works or not." Then he ended the call.

Although he knew his man had made sense about heading towards the highway, he was doubtful for some unknown reasons.

Everyone looked at him with hope, looking for some answers that only Karma could give.

He shook his head and spoke one sentence, which was enough for them to understand the whole situation.

"They moved from the hotel."

There were murmurs all around and now a whole new discussion started in the village.


On the other side, Amit was anxious. He had gotten the information about Karma having sent his men in their search.

That's why he had diverted from the route that led to a highway, to a more deserted place. Being away from their clutches would provide him more time to contemplate his next move, and he desperately was in need of more time.

He didn't have any plan as of now. He just knew he had to do something in order to save two lives that didn't deserve the brutality from the cruel men.

He was against caste discrimination too. The sick mentalities of villagers were fueled by upper-class people like Karma, who would do anything to get famous, and he would do anything to save these innocent people from their trap.

He'd come up with the idea of spending a night or two, depending upon the situation, in a hut he owned. It was secluded from the main path that connected several villages to town.

It needed some repairs and fixing. That's why he'd asked the only person, who apart from him, knew about the hut.

A phone call interrupted him and he pulled the breaks of his bike and answered the phone call.

"Hey! Listen, I've not reached the hut yet. It's going to take me another half an hour. Also, I won't be able to come for you, and you'll have to manage to get there on your own."

That voice sounded hurried.

"Why are you telling me this now? I'm almost there, Sam." Amit replied exasperatedly.

"Sorry, buddy. I got held up with my love." Sam chuckled.

But, Amit's worries now turned into anger because of his helplessness. He didn't want to snap at Sam, so he replied with a sigh, "Just fix the damn thing before we reach, and please be ready with some food,"

"Already preparing your meal, buddy. See you there. Bye." And the call got disconnected.

Now, how will he take them to the hut? And that too without getting them noticed?

He will have to be more careful this time.

With this thought in his mind, he started the engine and took off to meet others.


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