Chapter 13- Reality Check

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You know the moment when you're watching your favorite show; a major turning point is about to come, and your mom decides to walk in exactly the same time to order you to do the chores? And you don't have a choice but to pause the turning point and do as your mom says?

That's exactly how I was feeling.

It was like one minute I had a huge grin plastered on my face when Aamir was telling about the part where Amit had exited the shop. The next, we were all forced to wipe the grin off of our faces, and talk about the villagers who were behind us, when the sound of slamming the back door shut resounded in our ears.

It felt bizarre talking on the subject, but it was also a sort of reality check that forced our minds to focus on the here and the now.

"What are you guys doing here, sitting all together? Don't you have anything to do?" Amit's voice interrupted our sweet story session.

He sure felt like a party buster with his arrival.

"Nothing, I was just asking them what they would like to eat for dinner." Sam came up with a reply quickly, while we all had a weird staring-down-competition, with a look that spoke scaredy cats.

It felt like my mom was about to enter the kitchen while I was in the middle of stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.

"You didn't bring us our dinner? Sam, it's already eight o'clock. What were you waiting for? Now, it's dark outside and you won't be able to walk back."

He sounded irritated, and his brows hunched together in concern as he looked at Sam.

But it seemed like Sam had an answer ready for every question thrown his way today. And he came up with a reply quickly. "Don't worry, boy. I bought some ingredients over here along with a stove. Food will be ready before you know it."

He was sure proving to be a good old man.

Amit shook his head with a huff and went inside to freshen up.

After he was gone, there was a sigh of relief from all our sides, but Aamir seemed relieved the most.

I was about to ask Aamir to continue with the story. But before I could even say anything, he said, "Not happening," and turned away.

I shrugged and put my head on Rohini's shoulder as she was sitting beside me. Our hands were clasped in a way that our fingers entwined.

Rohini's presence always managed to compel me to forget all about our surroundings, and be mesmerized at the beauty that was sitting right in front of me.

I got distracted by the mole on the back of her wrist. My fingers automatically found the source and I started tracing it gently. It was then Sam decided to burst the bubble of contentment and instructed everyone in a rush, "Now get your asses in the kitchen. There is only one stove. I'll be needing help in preparing our dinner."

"But I don't even know how to cook," I replied on reflex. I was still holding onto the hope he might take the hint and move to the kitchen alone.

"God gave you those two hands, right?"

Guess I was wrong.

"Yes," I replied reluctantly.

"Then use them and help me in cutting those vegetables, if you want your food in half an hour."

He stood up and made his way into the kitchen without any further glance, and so did Aamir.

Seems like everyone was being good today.

"Where are you going?" I got disappointed when Rohini untwined her fingers and retracted her hand from mine.

"Didn't you hear what Sam said? Get your asses over there," she pointed towards the kitchen and continued. "So, that's what I am doing."

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