Chapter 26- He Has Gone Mad

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The afternoon wasn't easy for me.

Sam had made his appearance after all the revelations were done. He had been busy feeding his goat, aka lover.

Aamir, as always, had to explain to him everything that took place as I was in no mood for explanations. Rohini had stopped responding to my questions, plea, suggestions, and that was making me even more restless. I wasn't sure what to do, and that made me even more anxious.

After an excruciatingly painful afternoon involving all these aforementioned events with full of thoughts, plans and strategies- evening arrived and with it came trepidation.

Even the slightest rustle of leaves made me turn my head abruptly. It was as if all my senses were hyperactive.

Now, as I looked at the far end from the front porch of the hut, I realized, I didn't want to be here anymore. The danger was lurking, and I would do anything before any of the villagers got to Rohini.

Thinking with an insane mind makes the thinking process even more complicated. My mind was whirling with unwanted thoughts, unsettling feelings, and an unwarranted frustration, which somehow lessened the rational thinking process of my brain.

Nothing will happen, absolutely nothing unless... unless I move from here.

And just like that, a path opened up to me and I started executing a plan in my mind.

Yes! That's just it. I'll have to take her away, far away from here where nobody will be able to catch us. Yes! I will do just that!

With that in my mind, I waited for the night to arrive, without knowing where Amit had gone to.


Dinner consisted of the cold lunch that nobody had touched. This time too, nobody even looked at it, much less eat it.

I was waiting for the time when everybody would retreat to their respective rooms. Every second seemed like a million minutes, and every step felt like a weight on my chest. Only a few hours, and I will be out of this place forever.

"What are you thinking?" Aamir's sudden interruption made me jerk my head in his direction immediately, and he looked at me with concern.

"Relax. It's just me," he assured when he saw my shocked expression.

"Ah no. I was just startled, and I wasn't thinking anything," I shook my head.

"Aditya, don't worry too much, okay? I know it's a little difficult, but trust me, Amit will get you out of here."

He was speaking something, I was well aware of it. But my mind refused to register his reassurances. Instead, I was thinking of how I was going to escape the hut tonight.

I nodded at every word of his. After a few minutes, that felt like forever, he moved to go to his room with a pat on my shoulder.

I waited for some time before heading to my own room.

As soon as I entered, my eyes landed on Rohini. She was sitting on the same cot I'd folded and kept aside. She was looking out the window, watching nothing in particular. Her posture stiffened when I took one more step into the room, and I knew she had sensed my presence.

I said nothing, just moved to collect her and my belongings in an only bag I had carried with me.

She watched my every action from sideways but didn't utter a single word. I was in no mood for a very romantic discussion myself. So, I just continued with whatever I had in mind.

Collecting things didn't take much time, and I was beside her after a few minutes.

"Rohini," I whispered, afraid someone would listen to me and fail all my plans.

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