Chapter 27- Aftermath of Drinking

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The bright sun peeking from the casement windows of Amit's apartment living room fell upon his closed lids that were in a deep slumber and were away from all the activities happening around him.

He blinked upon sensing light and stirred when his eyes couldn't take the bright light anymore. A severe pain ricocheted through his skull, which made him wince. He tried opening his eyes, but they too felt like a giant weight had been put on them.

Slowly and steadily, after blinking his sleep away, he sat up and caressed the side of his temple to soothe the ever growing pain. It didn't feel any better, but it was enough to open his eyes and think, why did his whole body feel stiff? He was sleeping on his couch and that too in last night's clothes, which was very unusual for him. Nothing made sense and confusion seeped through his mind that again made his pain to rise up a notch.

He tried to remember what had happened yesterday, and bit by bit, last night's memories whirled in his head like a dizzied dream.

Apart from him buying clothes to go to the club, he remembered everything from going to the shop to looking at Avni who was looking gorgeous, to entering the club, and to even see Frank who actually looked like an Alien.

He remembered getting drunk, and that's how he came to know about the reason for his headache, and stiffness. He straightened when he realized it was a decision he had made on impulse. The aftermath wasn't something he was looking for, and he swore to never touch the alcohol again. Although he remembered feeling on top of the world; right now, he felt like he was in some kind of hell.

His mind was collecting everything that had happened yesterday, and a small smile played on his lips when he remembered dancing with Avni. Despite the pain, he savored the way they both had danced and enjoyed last night.

His smile froze when he realized what had happened next.

He had almost kissed Avni.

Had he actually made a move on her? Surely not, maybe it was an illusion, and his mind was playing tricks on him. Maybe the drinking had made him remember something, which never even had happened.

But, why did he feel like he'd felt the curves of Avni's soft pink lips just for a second, and someone had interrupted their special moment?

Special moment? What sorts of thoughts were whirling in his head? Surely he shouldn't be thinking of any of these things. This thought made him angry, but he couldn't tell the exact reason behind his anger. Was he angry because he had done something, which he never would have done in his sober state? Or was he angry because nothing happened at all, and a small part of him wanted things to move further?

No, no! That's not right! He surely won't do anything like that; will not ever want to do anything out of order with Avni, who was the only person he shared everything with apart from Aamir.

Yes, that's right; it was not something he intended to do. It was maybe a stupid drunken move on his part. Either that or it was just an illusion.

With that, he got up from his couch with immense efforts to go to his kitchen and made himself a cup of hot ginger tea to lessen his ever growing pain.

For him, hot ginger tea was a cure for everything.


After having a cup of hot ginger tea, putting some very vegetarian breakfast in his belly, and taking a shower, he took his phone in his hands. It wasn't touched since he'd left it on the floor of his living room last night. He'd been too busy mulling over the fact that he'd gotten drunk, and had done something that was unacceptable in his own eyes.

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