Chapter 36- Internal Wounds Are Dangerous

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When Amit came home, his mind held more questions than he could handle. He'd thought that going to those families might give him some answers. But everyone said the same thing. Their sentences starting with, 'when, in the morning...'

Then, what was the reason behind his father's late-night work? He could no longer think of anything. His mind was struggling to make sense.

In his own worries, he'd even forgotten that Avni wasn't home.

It wasn't until she barged in, he realized she'd gone out. From the looks of it, she looked upset. Her appearance was clumsy, and untidy, making him wonder what could possibly have happened?


In the late afternoon, when Avni made her way inside, she already felt like going home. The things she got to hear and see were enough for her to stay away from this village for the rest of her life. But she wasn't going to say anything to Amit, seeing he was going through a tough phase in his life.

When she entered Amit's room, she too had different things playing in her mind. The loudest was, how could someone possibly be this insensitive, and ignorant? Why didn't anyone do anything? And most importantly, why people were standing there like an audience?

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that when Amit came and sat down next to her, worried of her outer appearance, she didn't even notice him.

It was when he asked in a concerned tone, "What's wrong, Avni? Why are your clothes muddy? Did you fell down?" she came from her thoughts that were replaying the most horrible thing she'd witnessed.

Did she fell down? If only, that could be true.

She was raging inside, and she knew the news would travel to him in a matter of minutes. However, right now, she didn't want him worried, and so she, for the very first time, kept quiet. In its place, she shook her head to let him know that she didn't fell down.

"Then why are your clothes dirty?" Amit was persistent. He wanted to know that she was alright. He knew this village wasn't like Delhi, and despite him warning her not to talk to anybody, he wanted to hear from her that nobody had hurt her.

If only...

"Ah, it's nothing. I was just..."

She started to say, but she was just what? Roaming around? Looking for the same guy he was speaking of the other day? Waiting to see how horrible this village could get? Finally, when she thought of saying something, Aamir's hurried tone that said, "Amit..." in between harsh pants, saved her from the trouble, if only for the time being.


"Avni..." he paused to take a large gulp of air, and repeated Avni's name yet again, "Avni..."

But when his eyes darted sideways, and he realized that she was sitting in front of him, did he cool down, and muttered, "Oh, you are home."

Amit had no clue what had happened whilst he was gone. He now looked at both of them with concern mixed with petulance; he was desperate to know what was happening. And he persisted. "What's wrong?"

Aamir was about to blurt out the whole thing. But, behind him, Avni signaled him to stay quiet with just one shake of her head.

Now, he was torn between his best friend and his new best friend.


Amit knew by the way Aamir was stuttering that he wanted to say something and didn't know how to say it. Either he wanted to hide it, or was afraid of his reaction, or probably both. Right now though, he wanted at least one thing in the open, and so he ordered him to say what he came here for in the first place.

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