Chapter 37- When You Expect the Unexpected

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That night, Amit went to the only man known for everyone's whereabouts.


He was his last resort.

"I need to ask you something," Amit asked looking him straight in the eye.

"Yes?" Jagan chewed on his toothpick, making his s fade into an f.

"Do you know why my father went to the sewer pit at night?"

Jagan looked at him for a minute too long. He was trying to decipher why Amit would come for him for information? His sharp eyes scrutinized him, and finally, he chose to answer nonchalantly.

"Your father didn't go to the sewer pit at night."

The tone with which it traveled to Amit, gave him an impression as if the mere idea of his father being out at night was preposterous.

"Do you know when Karma took him to the pit?

"At five in the morning."

"Then why did my mother say he was out at night?"

"I've got no clue."

Amit knew what Jagan was like. He was manipulative, shrewd, and money was the only thing he worked for. He knew without it, Jagan wouldn't give him the proper information. The risk was high, and if he didn't take any at the moment, he was going to regret coming here.

Then, like a bulb, an image lit inside his head, and it glowed so brightly, the devious smile he threw at Jagan was enough for the latter to stumble and stutter.

Suspicion clawed at Jagan, and he narrowed his eyes to let him know he was not buying it.

"Do you want me to let Karma know about the transaction you had last night?"

He was playing completely on luck here. He'd no clue what the transaction was about. It had happened yesterday when he was returning from the crematorium, and he had seen Jagan receive something; his eyes had witnessed something, but considering it was dark and his mind was elsewhere, he didn't pay much attention to it.

But now, he thanked his brain for remembering this very exchange.

"What... who told you about that?" Jagan's face paled, his sunken cheeks wrinkled in worry, and he looked at Amit with tense shoulders.

"Oh, you know. A few meters off the crematorium is not the best place to have that kind of- transaction,"

Amit had an upper hand in this conversation now; he prayed Jagan played along and didn't see right through his facade.

But fear made faulty people weak, and Jagan seemed near to having a panic attack.

"How much did you hear?"


Amit's eyes gleamed and bored into Jagan. He had only this chance, just this chance to know the truth about what exactly had happened to his father, and he wasn't going to back down, not when he had Jagan in his captive.

"I was paid to kill his cattle okay? Next villagers' farmers were having trouble because he kept stealing their cattle as well. I was paid, and you know I do anything for money,"

Oh, Jagan. I thought you were smarter than this.

"If Karma or any of his men get to know about this....."

Amit let his sentence linger, and watched Jagan's eyes widen with fear, and his ashen face told him he was about to submit his defeat.

"No, no. You wouldn't do that to me."

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