Chapter Eighteen

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I met up with Kaylin. I know yall probably like "why he do that? he so stupid." but look, shawty carrying my seed and I aint finna let my child hurt when I can easily help his/her mother out. Jae would be pissed, but what she don't know wont hurt. Besides, it aint like Im fucking shawty, I'm just helping her out.
I walked into the shelter where Kaylin was currently living because her parents stopped paying for college, which includes room & board. They even stopped paying for her phone but she managed to scrap up some money to pay the bill herself. When I saw her, she was on a little bed looking down. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. "Come on." I grabbed her hand. I aint bout to let her live in this shelter. She only had one bag. She grabbed her bag and followed me out the shelter.
I got in my car and she got in as well.
I looked at her and her eyes were bloodshot red and she had serious bags. Her hair wasn't done. Damn, it's crazy how someone can go from spoiled and rich to independent and broke.
"Kay, what the fuck happened?"
"My life is ruined August. I have no one. My parents don't want me so they cut me off. My best friend, well ex best friend doesnt want shit to do with me and I can't finish college. I have nothing."
I lifted her chin up. "Look ma, I know times are hard right now, but you got a person growing inside you. That's somebody right there. And no matter what, you got me. So don't trip."
She nodded. "It's stressing. I don't even know what Ima do with a baby. I aint got shit."
"I said the same shit when I found out K-Kimberly was pregnant with Morg. Now look at me, That little girl is my life. And that little man growing inside you is gonna be your everything."
She smiled. "How do you know it's gonna be a boy? What if I want a girl?"
I started driving. "Then you'll just be very disappointed when you see his dick."
She laughed. "You're nasty, ya know."
"I've been told. Now, why you aint tell a nigga that's my baby. I found out from Trey."
"Oh god. He knows?" She sighed. "Yes he knows. Now why you aint tell me."
"Because I was trying to keep my mind off the fact that im pregnant, but every second of every day, someone or something seems to remind me."
I nodded. "I understand. Now," I said as I pulled into my driveway," You staying with me until I find a place for you."
She nodded and got out the car following me to my house. I took her to the guest room. She'll be fine as long as she stays there when I have company.
Shortly after I got in, the doorbell rang revealing K holding a very sleepy Morgan. I smiled until Kaylin came downstairs.
When K saw her, she said, "I heard about her Aug. Don't allow her to lay a finger on my daughter or I will cut off all of hers. Play with me if you want." She said throwing me Morg's baby bag then walking off. As she walked off, I took an opportunity to look at her ass, which was in good shape. I walked back in with Morg who was now walking.
"She doesnt like me either I'm guessing." I nodded and walked slowly with Morg.
"That seems to be the trend huh?" She chuckled and walked upstairs to her room.
I picked up Morg and kissed her. "Was poppin Princess?" I smiled as she sat in my lap.
She pointed to the tv meaning she wanted me to turn it to Nick Jr.
I sat in the guest room and was about to take a shower until I got a call from Rakim. "Hello?" I was surprised. "Kaylin. I need to get in contact with Jae." "Why?" I asked. "Its important. Give me her number please. I have information about the people who killed her parents." "What?" "Look I gotta go. Please text me her number." He hung up. When he hung up, I texted her his number. That was weird.

Who do you guys want August to be with?
Did you guys forget about Rakim? I hope not.
Please dont forget August's phone call with Trey. Trey said something important to August.

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